    关键词  近程防空    多重命中拦阻射击   弹道方程    仿真平台
    Title   Research of Multiple Hit Target and Block Firing
         system and Design of the Simulaition Platform                   
    In the short range air defense ,block firing system is the supplement of direct tracking firing system ,and is used to targets which flying with low altitude and high-speed or when tracking direct firing system can not be achieved under the condition of firing on the target.In dealing with the low altitude high-speed targets, multiple hit target system can fully play its role.This system not only reduces the requirements on the servo performance,but also can increase the damage probability and improve the kill effect.In this paper, by using MATLAB,the process of shooting target with single gun in multiple hit target system has been simulated,mainly including the selection and configuration of arresting surface, Runge_Kutta method for solving the trajectory equation, the solving of the fire data.By using the simulation platform, simulation of the shooting process and shooting results in different routes,and different shooting scheme is realized.And the whole shooting process is shown intuitively by animation.And the simulation results can also be convenient to save.
    Keywords  Short-range air defense   Multiple hit target and block firing
    Trajectory equation  Simulation platform
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  课题的意义    1
    1.3  火控系统原理及研究现状    2
    1.4  多重命中拦阻射击理论及研究现状    3
    1.5  本文主要内容    4
    2  多重命中拦阻射击体制    6
    2.1  多重命中拦阻射击的可行性    6
    2.2  多重命中拦阻射击的优缺点    6
    2.3  射击诸元序列的生成    7
    3  弹道模型    8
    3.1  弹道方程    8
    3.2  弹道方程组的解法    13
    软件设计    17
    4.1  主要功能模块    17
    4.2  仿真平台设计    22
    5  仿真    23
    5.1  三发连射仿真    23
    5.2  四发连射仿真    27
    结论    34
    致谢    35
    参考文献    36
     1  绪论
    1.1  研究背景
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