    摘  要:在多层建筑里,电梯是不可缺少的运输工具,与人们的生活息息相关,电梯性能的好坏直接关系到人们生活质量的高低。电梯控制系统在整个电梯运行过程中,起着至关重要的作用。本设计是采用西门子S7-200系列的可编程控制器(PLC)设计的电梯控制系统,通过变频器改变电梯轿厢速度,由光电译码器检测轿厢的位置并传送给PLC,PLC分析综合后发出信号,通过控制曳引电机、变频器和门电机,实现了电梯的指层控制、轿内与各层厅站呼梯指令的记录、电梯运行方向和停靠的层站的控制,自动运行和自动开关门等功能。仿真结果表明,设计出的系统能够实现电梯控制要求。    4904

    The Design of Elevator Control System Based on PLC
    Abstract: In the multi-storey buildings, the elevator is indispensable as transportation and is closely related to people's life, the elevator performance is good or bad is directly related to people's life quality. Elevator control system play a vital role in the whole process of elevator running. This design is an elevator control system designed by the PLC of Siemens S7-200 series, and the frequency converter change the elevator car speed, photoelectric encoder detecting the location of the capsules and convey it to programmable logic controller (PLC), after analysis and integrating, PLC sends out the signal and achieves implementation layer refers to the control of the elevator, inside the car and in each room of the station hall, elevator running direction instructions records and dock layer station control, automatic mode and automatic doors, and other functions through the control of traction motor, door motor and frequency converter. The result of the simulation indicated that the design of the system can realize the control request.
    Key Words: Elevator control; S7-200; Inverter; Six elevators
    目    录

    摘要    1
    引言    1
    1.电梯的基本结构及其功能    2
    1.1电梯的基本结构简介    2
    1.2电梯曳引系统    3
    1.3自动开/关门机    3
    2.控制方案的选择    4
    2.1继电器控制系统    4
    2.2微机控制系统    4
    2.3 PLC控制系统    5
    3.控制系统的硬件设计    6
    3.1整体结构设计    6
    3.2可编程控制器的选型    7
    3.3调速变频器类型选择及其参数设计    8
    3.4控制电路的设计    10
    4.控制系统的软件设计    12
    4.1主程序设计    12
    4.2子程序设计    14
    5.系统的仿真    19
    5.1手动控制程序的仿真    19
    5.2自动复位控制程序的仿真    20
    5.3呼梯信号锁定与清除程序的仿真    20
        5.4电梯轿厢运动方向控制程序的仿真    21
    6.结束语    23
    参考文献    23
    附录    24
    致谢    32
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