    摘要建立整车模型的方法有很多种,本文通过 Simulink 平台来搭建整车模型。由 delft 理工大学 H.B.Pacejke 教授提出的轮胎魔术公式,建立轮胎模型。根据车辆的动力学分析和轮胎模型,搭建出理想的只考虑侧向和横摆运动的二自由度整车模型。考虑到车辆的稳定, 本文采用ESP 电子稳定程序控制策略来控制车辆稳定性,由分析得到影响车辆稳定性主要控制参数有:横摆角速度 、质心侧偏角 。当汽车失去稳定性时,轮胎的侧偏特性会进入到非线性区,导致实际横摆角速度、实际质心偏角与其理论值存在偏差。ESP 计算判断偏差超出一定范围时,表明汽车失去稳定性,则 ESP启动对汽车进行控制。此外,本文还在软件平台 CarSim 上建立实际车辆模型,结合理想的 Simulink 车辆模型和 ESP控制策略共同仿真,验证ESP控制效果。25150
    毕业论文关键词 整车模型 ESP 横摆角速度 质心侧偏角 Simulink CarSim
    Title The building of vehicle model based on Simulink
    Building a vehicle system model based on Simulink . Considering the vehicle
    horizontal pendulum motion and lateral motion , according to the tire magic formula
    by professor H.B.Pacejke , establishing the model of vehicle tire, the output of
    tire is lateral force. The vehicle model simplified with only two degrees of
    freedom , a freedom for lateral motion is along the y axis , horizontal pendulum
    motion is along the z axis . While the longitudinal velocity u along the x axis
    is regarded as constant , the establishment of coordinate system of the vehicle
    lateral dynamic balancing process and horizontal pendulum dynamics balancing
    equation .To obtain the transfer function of the two degree of freedom vehicle
    model by the theoretical formula , then building the ideal vehicle model combined
    with the tire model. Building the actual vehicle model on CarSim. Analyzing the
    main control parameters which have great influence on the stability of the vehicle:
    yaw rate, slip angle.Though the Electronic Stability Program ,PID controller and
    the yaw torque directly control the vehicle stability.
    Keywords vehicle model yaw rate slip angel Simulink CarSim Electronic Stability Program
    目 次
    1 引言 1
    1.1 课题背景1
    1.2 课题研究内容及思路.1
    1.3 论文结构安排.1
    2 车辆动力学模型. 3
    2.1 车辆动力学建模方法介绍..3
    2.2 轮胎模型3
    2.3 整车动力学模型建模.9
    2.4 本章小结.12
    3 汽车 ESP 控制系统. 13
    3.1 ESP 介绍..13
    3.2 汽车失去稳定性的原因.15
    3.3 控制参数的选择.15
    3.4 本章小结.16
    4 CarSim 车辆建模. 17
    4.1 CarSim软件介绍17
    4.2 CarSim车辆建模和仿真17
    4.3 CarSim和 Simulink 的联合仿真.19
    4.4 本章小结.19
    5 控制结构的设计.. 20
    5.1 总系统结构20
    5.2 控制器设计20
    5.3 力矩分配设计..23
    5.4 本章小结.25
    6 仿真. 26
    6.1 建模总图.26
    6.2 总系统仿真26
    结论. 31
    致谢. 32
    参考文献.. 331 绪论
    1.1 课题背景

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