    摘要:近年来,变电站综合自动化在电气工程应用领域中快速发展,它能够有效地降低变电站的资金投入,同时也可对变电站实施有效的管理和文护。由于不同厂商制造的设备采用的通信协议各种各样,因此不同厂商的设备间的兼容性很不理想,所以智能电网很难完全整合。为解决上面的问题,IEC TC57制定了IEC61850标准。只有当所有的变电站自动化产品都遵循IEC61850通信标准,不同厂家的产品才能实现互通。为了达到这一要求,产品的开发过程中必须要进行标准的一致性测试。
    关键词  IEC61850  一致性测试  静态测试   配置文件测试   数据模型测试
    Title          The Conformance Testing of IEC61850                    
    Substation Automation(SA) is a rapidly increasing area of interest in Electrical Engineering these days embracing numerous benefits in utilityies.In substation Industry ti has the capabilities of efficiently managing operations,maintenance and capital assets. Intelligent Electronic Devices(IED) are the most important elements of a SA system.All the IEDs,which connected through an effective communication system in a substation, can have the ability to remotely control, manipulate and monitor. Due to there is no international communication standards between a great variety of IED coporations, it is difficult to achieve a fully integerted and interoperable SA system. In osrder to solve the above questions, the IEC61850 Communication network stand System in substations is designed by IEC TC57. The aim of IEC61850 is to accomplish real interoperability of SAS, so as to reduce maintenance and so on.
    This paper introduces the application background, function and system of IEC61850 firstly, then it expounds the necessity and importance of the consistency test of IEC61850. It introduces the contents and the test project of the conformance test of IEC61850. Finally, the study in the file comparation and the data model test of the static test part of the consistency test of IEC61850 is researched in this paper.
    Keywords :IEC61850   the consistency test   The static test   File comparation
    The data model test
    1  引言    2
    1.1    IEC61850发展背景    2
    1.2 变电站自动化系统的基本原理    3
    1.3  IEC61850研究现状及成果    5
    1.4  选题意义    7
    1.5 本文的工作    7
    2 IEC61850标准原理    8
    2.1  IEC61850标准的特点与基本概念    8
    2.1.1 IEC61850标准的特点    8
    2.1.2 IEC61850标准的组织结构    9
    2.1.3功能分层    10
    2.2 本章小结    11
    3 IEC61850一致性测试    12
    3.1 一致性测试介绍    12
    3.2  一致性测试的程序    12
    3.3  一致性测试的结构    13
    3.4  一致性测试内容    14
    3.4.1 配置文件测试项    14
    3.4.2 数据模型测试项    14
    3.4.3  ACSI 模型和服务映射测试用例    15
    3.4.4 一致性测试结果    15
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