Abstract: Based on the current shortage of water resources and the low efficiency of artificial watering, this paper designs a low-cost automatic watering irrigation system。 Automatic watering irrigation system can effectively improve efficiency and save the limited water resources of the earth。 The system detects and controls the soil temperature and humidity, and supplies timely and appropriate watering crops to ensure the growth of crops。 The core is 51 MCU and temperature and humidity sensor and the detection and control part of driving circuit。 The detection of soil temperature and humidity and display of temperature sensor sht as sensing component, the soil moisture value is introduced into 51 MCU, and then output to LCD screen display。 Determine if you want to be watered by the value displayed, and then set the watering time and irrigation volume through the software program。
Key words: AT89C51single chip microcomputer,humidity sensor,LCD
1 绪论 4
1。1选题的目的和意义 4
1。2设计任务的分析 4
2。 系统总体方案设计 5
2。1系统方案分析 5
2。1。1总的系统方案 5
2。1。2主控芯片方案 5
2。2硬件软件选择 5
3。硬件设计 5
3。1系统框图 6
3。2单片机 6
3。2。1单片机简介 6
3。2。2晶振电路 7
3。2。3复位电路 8
3。3温湿度传感器 8
3。3。1 DHT11传感器 8
3。3。2 DHT11传感器模块电路设计 11
3。4 定时器/计数器 11
3。4。1 定时器/计数器0和1简介 11
3。4。2 与定时器/计数器0和1相关的特殊功能寄存器 11
3。5 LCD1602液晶显示器 12
3。6 继电器模块设计 13
4。软件设计 13
4。1程序结构图 13
4。2 DHT11传感器子程序设计 14
4。3 软件详细结构图 15
5。 硬件的分析与测试 16
结 论 19