    The design of control system of carving machine based on PLC
    ABSTRACT: Ever since human society activities after , there is a sculpture of the industry , along with the development of human society , and now people have a new understanding of sculpture ,engraving machines as people gradually deepening understanding and grasp the scope of application will been expanding the application level will gradually increase , engraving process must be more broad prospects .
     This paper discusses the requirements and drive mode control engraving machine , the design of PLC-based electrical control circuit controls the three-dimensional engraving machine and prepared to achieve trajectory control program running . Three-dimensional engraving machine for the ball screw design , X , Y , Z three-axis adopts step system , respectively , to achieve three-axis position control with high-speed pulse output PTO and the positioning module EM253 CPU , the spindle AC variable frequency drive , the system set up limit switches and position sensors to prevent over travel movement Debugging results show that the system can achieve a certain precision engraving trajectory control , met the requirements of the design specifications .
    Keywords:Engraving machine ; Programmable logic Controller ; Position Control ; Ball screw shaft
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题的研究意义    1
    1.2 雕刻机的应用及发展    1
    1.2.1 雕刻机的应用    2
    1.2.2 国内外发展与现状    2
    1.3 课题研究的主要内容    3
    1.3.1 实验平台简介    3
    2 方案选择    5
    2.1 三轴驱动方案选择    5
    2.1.1 步进驱动    5
    2.1.2 直流驱动    5
    2.1.3 交流伺服驱动    6
    2.2 控制器的选择    6
    2.3 限位开关    8
    3 硬件电路设计    10
    3.1 主电路    10
    3.1.1 步进电机    10
    3.1.2 步进电机驱动器    10
    3.1.3 主轴及变频驱动    10
    3.1.4 主电路设计    14
    3.2 控制电路    15
    3.2.1  控制要求    15
    3.2.2  PLC选型    17
    4 软件设计    21
    4.1  PTO/POS配置    22
    4.1.1  PTO配置    22
    4.1.2  PTO/PWM组件    30
    4.2主程序    31
    5 总结与展望    36
    6 参考文献    37
    1 绪论
    1.1 课题的研究意义
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