    关键词:  PEMFC  分数阶微积分  建模   MATLAB
    Title    Study on dynamic characteristics of fractional
    order PID controller based on PEMFC             
    Energy shortages and environmental pollution has become one of the most important
    challenges all over the world. As a power generation method, fuel cell is treated to be a revolutionary achievement in the field of electrical energy, because it provides a new solution for energy supply. This thesis aims to analyze the proton exchange membrane fuel cell working principle and running characteristic, establishes the dynamic model which is based on the correctness of the analysis of experimental results. Firstly, learning PID controller principle, master the fractional basic theoretical knowledge, understand the difference between fractional order controller and integer order controller. And grasp the skills of combining the controller together with the controlled object, so that the fuel cell can work under the best condition. Finally, setting up the model of  the system under the environment of MATLAB and simulating results on the basis of the controller parameters on condition of the optimal performance of the fuel cell.
    Keywords  PEMFC  Modeling     MATLAB
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  PEMFC研究现状及发展    1
    1.3  分数阶PID的研究现状    1
    1.4  本文主要研究内容    2
    2  分数阶微积分    3
    2.1  分数阶微积分定义    3
    2.2  分数阶控制系统描述    5
    2.3  分数阶控制系统分析    6
    2.3.1  时域分析    6
    2.3.2  频域分析    7
    2.3.3  稳态误差    7
    2.3.4  稳定性分析    7
    2.4  分数阶 控制器    8
    2.4.1  分数阶 控制器简介    8
    2.5  本章小结    9
    3  PEMFC电特性建模    10
    3.1  电堆性能特点    10
    3.2  PEMFC的电化学模型    10
    3.2.1  热力学电动势    11
    3.2.2  极化电压    12
    3.3  PEMFC电特性模型的参数辨识    15
    3.4  PEMFC电特性模型的MATLAB仿真    16
    3.4.1  模型搭建    16
    3.4.2  仿真结果    18
    3.5  本章小结    19
    4  PEMFC的温度特性建模    20
    4.1  温度模型的分析    20
    4.1.1  产生热量模型    20
    4.1.2  散失热量模型    21
    4.2  PEMFC温度特性模型的MATLAB仿真    21
    4.2.1  模型搭建    21
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