    关键词  二次过街   VISSIM仿真   行人过街行为   二次过街设施
    Title    The design and simulation analysis of two   pedestrian crossing signal scheme                   
    In some road intersection,vehicle flow is very large, and the road of big span, causing a certain degree of difficulty on the pedestrian crossing, especially vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, the disabled and so on, if the waiting time is too long, the psychological easy cause irritability to red light running across the street, led to the illegal situation occur, and the minimum green time greatly the interference of the motor vehicle signal timing will. If the set some traffic facilities, such as pedestrian bridges, underground passage, although the pedestrians and vehicles are completely isolated, but must implement can under certain conditions, and require higher cost. Therefore, we consider two crossing mode, which can effectively reduce the crossing time, reduce vehicle conflict, improve the pedestrian crossing safety, change and can follow a road condition, cost less, and can effectively alleviate the traffic congestion problem.
    This paper first behavior characteristics of pedestrian crossing the street two times is analyzed,and according to gender and age were analyzed. At the same time on the two crossing facilities structure and setting standards of research. In addition,also the design method of pedestrian crossing the street two times of signal timing and makes a thorough study.
    This paper takes Nanjing city of East Zhongshan road and Longpan Road intersection as an example,a preliminary analysis is carried through
    investigation of pedestrian crossing,pedestrian illegal number partition type,on the intersection of two street in the perspective of the improvement,and effectively improve the traffic efficiency and the traffic quality of the intersection,greatly easing the traffic here pressure. And through the VISSIM simulation of intersection,in the process of simulation,through the acquisition of pedestrian crossing time,queue length and delay data,to further prove the correctness and rationality of the scheme.
    Keywords  pedestrian twice crossing(PTC)   VISSIM simu   pedestrian crossing behavior   facility of pedestrian twice crossing
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