    毕业论文关键词 :ZigBee; 变电站 ; 温度采集  ; CC2430
    Substation equipment Wireless Temperature Monitoring System
         Abstract: in view of the substation real-time performance is poor, normal temperature measurement methods with the installation environment of the distributed nodes increases, wiring complexity and cost also increased dramatically, to the design of the system, maintaining and upgrading has brought many difficulties. Zigbee technology is proposed in this paper the intelligent substation equipment temperature measuring system, through the sensing devices, group zigbee network technology to achieve the substation valve switch, bus and other monitoring temperature real-time monitoring. Is used in the design of the temperature sensor and the wireless chip CC2430 build star wireless sensor network (WSN), the implementation of distributed node temperature acquisition, temperature in real time after the acquisition, according to effectively implement the intelligent substation of wirele  temperature monitoring equipment. The whole system is stable, reliable operation, effectively guarantee the normal work of the substation equipment.
    Key words: ZigBee; Substation; Temperature acquisition; CC2430
    目   录
    1 绪论    - 1 -
    1.1引言    - 1 -
    1.2课题研究的目的和意义    - 1 -
    1.3 ZigBee的发展现状    - 2 -
    1.4 本设计的主要工作    - 2 -
    2 ZigBee的介绍    - 3 -
    2.1 ZigBee的概述    - 3 -
    2.2 ZigBee网络基础    - 6 -
    2.3工作模式    - 6 -
    3 温度检测系统总体方案设计    - 8 -
    3.1系统整体结构    - 8 -
    3.2 温度采集系统原理    - 9 -
    4 温度检测系统硬件电路设计    - 11 -
    4.1 zigbee芯片选择和简介    - 11 -
    4.1.1 zigbee芯片的选择    - 11 -
    4.1.2  CC2430简介    - 11 -
    4.1.3 CC2430 芯片的主要特点    - 12 -
    4.1.4  I/O 端口线引脚功能    - 12 -
    4.1.5 CC2430应用于无线网络节点设计    - 15 -
    4.2节点的硬件设计    - 16 -
    4.2.1 协调器节点的硬件设计    - 16 -
    4.2.2 路由器节点的硬件设计    - 16 -
    4.2.3 传感器节点的硬件设计    - 17 -
    4.3电源供电电路    - 18 -
    4.4 传感器电路    - 19 -
    4.5 A/D转换电路图    - 21 -
    4.6 USB转串口电路图    - 22 -
    4.7显示电路    - 23 -
    5 温度检测系统软件流程图设计    - 25 -
    5.1传感器节点的程序流程图    - 25 -
    5.2 协调器的程序和流程图     - 25 -
    5.3上位机软件的程序和流程图    - 26 -
    6上位机串口通信及监控    - 29 -
    7.总结与展望    - 30 -
    致谢    - 31 -
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