    摘要: 图像增强是根据图像有的问题,根据某种需要展现图像中的某些所需要表达的东西,还需要削弱或去除一些多余信息的处理方法。为的就是让处理后的图像对给定的应用比原来的图像更加有效同时可以有效的改善图像质量。图像增强技术主要包含直方图修改处理、图像平滑化处理、图像尖锐化处理和彩色处理技术等。
     毕业论文关键词:图像增强  灰度 图片质量
    Comparison of Digital Image Enhancement Method in Matlab
    Abstract:  The image intensification is refers specificly according to needs to highlight in an image certain informations, image smooth processing, image intensification processing and the colored processing technology and so on.
    The image intensification technology basically separable becomes two big kinds: One kind is the frequency range processing law, one kind is the air zone processing law.The frequency range processing method foundation convolutes the theorem.It uses the revision image Fourier transformation the method realization to image enhancement processing.
     Image of point operations, point operations will enter the image map for the output image, output image each pixel gray value only by the corresponding input pixel value decision. Nonlinear point operations correspond to non-linear mapping function, mapping, including the square of the typical functions, logarithmic functions, the interception function (window function), field-valued functions, such as multi-value quantization function. Threshold processing is the most common point of a nonlinear operator, its function is to select a threshold value, the image binarization, and then use the resulting binary image for image segmentation and edge tracking processing.
    Keywords: image intensification; gray; picture quality
    目  录
    摘  要    ... .I
    目  录    III
    第一章    绪论    1
      1.1   课题背景..1
      1.2   研究现状..2
      1.3   研究意义..3
      1.4   本文研究的内容 ..3
    第二章    MATLAB的简介    5
    2.1    MATLAB主要功能    5
    2.2    MATLAB优势    5
    2.2.1    工作平台和编程环境    5
    2.2.2    计算机数据处理能力    6
    2.2.3    图形处理功能    6
    2.2.4    应用的模块集合工具箱    7
    2.3    MATLAB函数与数据类型    7
    2.3.1    整型    8
    2.3.2    浮点数    6
    2.3.3    字符    6
    2.3.4    常用的字符操作函数    7
    第三章    MATLAB图像增强    9
    3.1    基于空间域增强    9
    3.2    基于频率域增强    11
    3.3    基于小波变换的图像增强    11
    3.4    定性分析    15
    3.5    定量分析    16
     第四章   总结    17
        致谢 18
        参考文献    19
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