    摘要:本课题是利用Verilog HDL语言进行电梯控制系统主控制器的设计。电梯控制系统分有电梯内部的主控制器和各个楼层的分控制器。主控制器是在响应电梯内部的一个控制器,电梯外部的话每一个楼层都有一个分控制器。本设计中的主控制器功能需要实现在多个用户在不同楼层的请求响应以及在电梯运行的时候显示运行方向和所在楼层等功能。同时结合计数器模块来完成对电梯上升或下降一层的计时。在文中首先对本次的电梯主控制器进行需求分析,判定需要的变量,其次根据功能需求发功能模块,根据不同的模块进行电梯主控的设计,然后用Quartus II软件运行和仿真,在运行中进行修改错误,最后根据波形图和外部仪器的信号灯来观察实验的结果。在设计期间,对完成主控制器的每一个功能还存在着欠缺,主控与分控也是不可分开,整个设计中也会出现分控制部分的设计。30034
    毕业论文关键词:    电梯;Verilog HDL;主控制器;载客服务控制;Quartus II;仿真
    The Design of the Master Controller of the Elevator Control System based on Verilog HDL
    Abstract: The issue is the master controller elevator control system design use of Verilog HDL language. Elevator control system is pided into an elevator inside the main controller and sub-controller for each floor. The main controller is in response to a controller inside the elevator, the elevator outside, and then each floor has a sub-controller. The design of the main controller functions and the need to achieve it shows the direction where the floor and other functions in response to the request for multiple users on different floors in the elevator and run time. Combined counter module to complete the elevator up or down one of timing. First, in the text of this elevator main controller needs analysis, decision variable needs, followed by functional requirements based on functional modules hair, depending on the design of the master module elevator, then use Quartus II software and simulation run, run make changes in the error, according to the last signal waveforms and external instruments to observe the results of the experiment. During design, the completion of the master controller for each function, there are still lacking, the master and sub-control is not separate, control points throughout the design part of the design will appear.
    Keywords:    Elevator; Verilog HDL; Master Controller; Control of Passenger Service; Quartus II; simulation
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    概述    1
    1.1.1    课题的研究意义    1
    1.1.2    国内外研究现状与水平    2
    1.1.3    电梯控制系统的发展趋势    2
    1.2    选择的工具    4
    2    系统设计分析    6
    2.1    功能需求分析    6
    2.2    实验环境分析    6
    2.3    重点难点分析    7
    2.4    调试分析    8
    3    电梯主控制系统设计    12
    3.1    电梯的设计概要    12
    3.2    电梯的整体设计    12
    3.3    电梯的状态转换设计    16
    3.4    各个模块详解设计    18
    4    仿真验证    28
    4.1    程序仿真的实现    28
    4.2    程序在硬件的实现    30
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