    Title   Research on congestion charging mode for urban transportation               
    Traffic congestion is a serious problems for many cities, the long-term congestion of the city not only affects urban residents travel efficiency, reduce the capacity of urban road network, also in a certain extent increased exhaust emissions, from long-term perspective consider this phenomenon must be solved. In many traffic congestion solutions, the use of economic leverage analysis of traffic problems is a hot research in recent years.. Among them, the study of urban traffic congestion charging mode is an important means to solve the urban traffic congestion. Firstly, the definition and characteristics of traffic congestion are analyzed.. On this basis, the adaptability of congestion pricing model were studied in foreign countries have implemented congestion pricing (Singapore, London, Edinburgh) city as an example to analyze. Finally, through the acquisition the traffic congestion status data in Nanjing , judged and analyzes the adaptability of congestion charging in Nanjing .
    Keywords : Urban traffic; traffic congestion; congestion charge; pattern analysis
    目 次
    1 引言    3
    1.1研究背景和意义    3
    1.1.1研究背景    3
    1.1.2研究意义    4
    1.2国内外研究现状    4
    1.2.1国外研究现状    4
    1.2.2国内研究现状    4
    1.3研究内容与路线    5
    2.城市交通拥堵特性分析    6
    2.1交通拥堵的定义    6
    2.2交通拥堵形成的原因    6
    3.交通拥堵收费理论    8
    3.1拥堵收费定义    8
    3.2拥堵收费原则    8
    3.2拥堵收费模型    9
    3.4拥堵收费相关技术    11
    3.4.1电子收费系统    11
    3.4.2车牌识别技术    12
    4.国外收费模式分析    13
    4.1新加坡    13
    4.2英国伦敦    14
    4.3英国爱丁堡    15
    4.4小结    15
    5 国内收费模式研判-以南京为例    17
    5.1南京拥堵收费可行性分析    17
    5.1.1拥堵收费必要性     17
    5.2.2拥堵收费适应性    18
    5.3拥堵模式研判    19
    5.3.1收费地段    19
    5.3.2收费时间    19
    5.3.3收费对象    20
    5.3.4收费方式    20
    5.3.5收费通知    20
    5.3.6收费标准    21
    5.3.6定期文护与检查    21
    5.3.7所得收入的再分配    22
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