    Traditional video surveillance system has been unable to meet the current needs of the high-speed rate has become the current pace of life of people, so the video surveillance, people began to focus on real-time, under such a request, from the foundation of the original monitoring system , we propose a targeted solution, that is, under Linux systems, network cameras to extract the data, but also combined to achieve this open source platform Live555 streaming media server solutions, streaming media server implements a real-time, and to solve multiplexing client's access overload caused the camera end of the phenomenon, combined with a number of graphics and sound algorithms which combine to form the overall package is transferred to the client, to meet the real-time monitoring condition, and by to set the client and the end of the program, to achieve a different control functions client-side video ,, too far to meet the different needs of the moment people monitoring system with real-time transmission of images, such as voice.
    Keywords: Live555; streaming; webcam; real-time
    摘要    1
    第一章 绪 论    2
    1 .1  研究背景及意义    2
    1 .1 .1  视频监控的起源    3
    1 .1 .2  视频监控系统的视频源.    5
    1 .1 .3  智能视频监控    6
    1 .1 .4  新的发展方向与趋势    6
    1.1.5 新的发展技术要求    7
    1 .2  论文安排    10
    第二章 视频编码和传输协议介绍    11
    2.1  H .264视频编码格式    11
    2.1.1  基本概况    11
    2.1.2  技术细节    11
    2.2  技术优势    14
    2.3  N AL与N A LU  简介    14
    2.3.1NAL语法语义    14
    2.4 网络传输协议    15
    2.4.1RTSP协议    15
    2.5  RTP / RTCP协议介绍    16
    2.6 SIP协议介绍    18
    第三章LIVE555开源流媒体服务器结构分析    19
    3    19
    .1 LIVE555开源框架结构    19
    3.1.1 UsageEnvironment, BasicUsageEnvironment与GroupSock模块介绍    20
    3.1.2 LiveMedia模块    20
    3.2搭建LIVE555流媒体服务器    21
    3.2.1下载并运行    21
    3.2.2 文件放置    22
    3.2.3 查找导入并运行    22
    第四章 用live555将监控视频推送到流媒体服务器    22
    4.1 Live 555的运转模式    22
    4.2 推送方案制定    23
    4.3 类的选择与主要的实现流程    23
    4.4 live555流媒体工作的详细流程    24
    4.4.1程序流程    24
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