    摘要:本课题使用的汽车生产线系统是一套微缩仿真实际生产过程的模块化自动汽车生产加工线,主要由出入库单元、升降旋转平移单元、识别单元、装配单元、清洗单元、喷涂单元和烘干单元组成。本课题主要对汽车生产线中的升降旋转平移单元实现了车身在进线、出线过程的精确移动。采用罗克韦尔自动化可编程逻辑控制器 ControlLogix L62和CompactLogix L32E以及软件RSLogix 5000和FactoryTalk View Studio实现对升降旋转平移单元的自动控制。针对升降旋转平移单元的关键技术部分,即旋转伺服系统进行硬件设计和软件编程,采用Kinetx350单轴EtherNet/IP驱动器构建伺服系统,同时还通过现场总线EntherNet/IP将伺服系统的状态信息反馈给可编程逻辑控制器。36079
    Design of Automotive Production line System (1)
    Abstract:This Automotive production line systems used in this project is a miniature imitation of the actual production process. And the utilization of automation technology is also included in this topic. To give a brief background, the Automotive production line is made of seven units: storage unit, lift rotating shift unit, the recognition and sensors unit, assembly line, cleaning unit, spray painting unit and drying unit. This topic focuses on automotive production line’s lift rotating shift unit, and how it achieves the precise movement throughout the whole process. It adopts Rockwell programmable logic controller, ControlLogix L62 and CompactLogix L32E, to logically control the lift rotation shift unit. Also, software such as RSLogix 5000 and FactoryTalk View Studio were used respectively to program logics and to monitor its real-time actions. After all, for it to operate properly, the lift rotation shift unit requires superfluous hardware design and logics programming; Kinetx350 uniaxial and EntherNet/IP drive are there to support the system’s functionality, simultaneously, the EntherNet/IP connection also provides status information back to the programmable logic controller.
    Key Words:Programmable logic controller;Servo control system;Frequency converter;             Common industrial protocol
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究意义    1
    1.2 国内外汽车生产线的发展现状    1
    1.3 国内外自动化设备水平    2
    1.4 PLC发展趋势    2
    1.5 我国汽车生产自动化系统发展趋势    3
    1.5.1 汽车制造自动化系统的最新发展及方向    3
    1.5.2 工业控制网络将向有线和无线相结合方向发展    3
    1.5.3 机器视觉、机器人技术在汽车制造行业的应用    3
    1.5.4 汽车制造安全技术或产品的应用    4
    1.6 本课题使用的汽车生产线简介    4
    2 通讯组态设计    6
    2.1 通用工业协议(CIP)综述    6
    2.1.1 CIP协议简介    6
    2.1.2 CIP的特点    7
    2.2 使用 BOOTP/DHCP 服务器设置网络 IP 地址    10
    2.3 EntherNet/IP通讯模块IP地址设置过程    10
    2.4 IP地址冲突检    11
    2.5 IP地址冲突的解决方法    11
    3 设备介绍    12
    3.1 ControlLogix L62介绍    12
    3.2 CompactLogix L32E介绍    13
    3.3 伺服驱动器Kinetix 350介绍    14
    3.4 变频器PowerFlex 40-E介绍    14
    4 变频器控制    15
    4.1 PowerFlex 40-E变频器接线要求    15
    4.2 通过EntherNet/IP网络控制PowerFlex 40-E硬件连接    15
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