    摘要:    在科技高速发展的今天,能源的损耗越来越严重,人们对智能化水平的要求也越来越高,LED路灯的应用也越来越广泛。正如传统的路灯控制方式已经不能够达到人们要求的水平,目前的大功率LED路灯系统,大部分是简单的直接照明,同时照明管理系统大都采用有线电缆控制照明灯具对LED路灯进行调控,通信协议比较复杂,建设成本和运营成本较高,系统的文护与扩充都相对困难。因此采用一种成本较低、易使用的LED无线智能控制系统可以很好的解决这一问题。本课题便是对其软件开发进行研究,基于ZigBee网络和WiFi网络,研究无线网络的通信协议、数据的传输等,构建通信网络架构,采用IAR Embedded workbench软件通过C语言编制相应的LED路灯软件监控系统,通过CC2530芯片、调试工具等进行仿真模拟,实现了成本更低、更节能、应用更便捷、系统更稳定的无线智能控制系统。36729
    毕业论文关键词:    LED;WiFi;CC2530;智能控制
    Software Development of LED Wireless Intelligent Control System
    Abstract: Rapid development of technology today has caused greater consumption of energy, which in result demanding a higher level of intelligence control and accordingly a wider application range of LED street lights. However, traditional street light control method has now fallen behind people’s expectation of required energy control level. The current high-power LED street light system employs a direct lighting method. At the same time, the lighting control system mostly adopts wired cables to adjust and control the LED street lights which contain complicated communication protocol. Such framework is costly in construction and operation and poses further difficulty in maintenance and expansion. To solve the problem, a low-cost and user-friendly LED wireless intelligence control system emerges. 
    This research will focus on the software development of LED wireless intelligence control system. The specific study will base on ZigBee network and WiFi network to research the communication protocol of wireless network and data transmission. With reconstructed communication network framework, a corresponding LED street light monitoring software programmed by C language and Code Composer Studio, and simulation process using CC2530 chip and adjusting tools, this research will reveal how to realize a more cost-efficient, energy-saving, convenient and stable wireless intelligent control system. 
    Keywords:    LED; WiFi; CC2530; Intelligent Control
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    目录    III
    1绪论    1
    1.1课题研究的目的与意义    1
    1.2国内外研究现状与水平    1
    2 LED智能照明控制系统    3
    2.1LED照明与原理    3
    2.2LED照明特点    3
    2.3 LED驱动电源及特点    4
    3 LED无线控制系统总体框架    5
    3.1上位机    6
    3.1.1PC    6
    3.1.2无线终端    7
    3.2下位机    7
    3.3控制器    7
    3.4通信网络    8
    3.4.1无线通信基本要求    8
    3.4.2无线通信方式    10
    3.4.3无线通信技术比较    11
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