毕业论文关键词: 组态王;工业环境监控系统;仿真系统;人机交互界面
The simulation algorithm of data acquisition of industrial environment monitoring system based on configuration software
Abstract:This paper introduces the system based on configuration software in industrial environment monitoring as the development of experimental simulation system of man-machine interface. Users can simply prompt system simulation on the screen, make the operation can be completed on the velocity, flow, liquid level real-time data acquisition, monitoring and other functions, change user intuitive observation of industrial environmental factors.
Firstly, the design of industrial control system simulation interface requirements and implementation methods are analyzed, then the design principle of man-machine interface, finally carries on the simulation and debugging. This system is defined on the command and variable is not particularly clear, focus and difficult to design and control the picture. How to achieve the conversion between picture and picture and jump. Conclusion: the simulation test system with the design principle of man-machine interface, easy to operate, meet the needs of users.
Keywords: Kingview; The industrial environment monitoring system; Simulation system; Man-machine interface
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 iii
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的背景及研究意义 1
1.1.1 课题的背景 1
1.1.2 课题的意义 2
1.2 工控组态软件的应用领域 2
1.3 论文的工作内容 3
1.4 论文内容的组织 3
2 分析 4
2.1 组态软件的概述 4
2.2 组态软件的概念 4
2.3 工控组态软件的组要功能 5
2.4 组态软件的特点 5
2.5 国内外工控组态软件介绍 6
2.6 仿真系统的概念及分类 7
2.6.1 仿真的概念 7
2.6.2 系统仿真的分类 7
2.7 人机界面 8
2.7.1 人机界面的概念 8
2.7.2 人机交互和人机界面的关系 8
2.7.3 人机界面设计的原则 9
2.7.4 人机界面的发展历史 10
2.7.5 人机界面的发展趋势 12
3 设计 13
3.1 系统设计任务与要求 13
3.1.1 系统设计的任务 13
- 上一篇:STC89C52单片机列车车厢火灾自动报警系统设计+电路图+程序
- 下一篇:FDS充气膜结构火灾温度场特性研究+源代码