    摘要:    本课题的主要任务内容是利用Verilog HDL 语言设计多功能数字钟。使其具有以下几个功能:显示时、分、秒;整点报时;小时和分钟可调;具有两个以上闹铃功能;可以设置12进制和24进制时间显示。根据任务要求,使用Quartus Ⅱ完成设计,可分为以下几大基本模块:时间模块、设置模块,闹铃模块,显示模块。要实现这些模块,他们又要内含多个模块。其中显示模块采用数码管显示,这一部分是重难点之一。闹铃模块主要是闹铃的设置和闹铃时间到的响应,而对设置的闹钟的响应与整点报时相似。设置模块可以说是选择哪一功能,并对功能进行具体设置。最根本的时间模块则是通过自动计数实现的,包括60进制和24进制,12进制则只需切换即可,不再另行增加计数模块。最后编写顶层文件将所有模块连接起来完成设计。38654
    毕业论文关键词:    数字钟;数码管;功能仿真;状态机;硬件描述语言
    The Design and Simulation of Multi-function digital Clock based on Verilog HDL
    Abstract:     The main task of this project is to design multifunction digital clock with Verilog HDL. It must has the following functions: display hours, minutes and seconds; chime on every hour; the hours and minutes adjustable; with more than two alarms. You can set 12 hex and 24 hex time display. According to mission requirements, we using Quartus Ⅱto complete the design,and it can be pided into the following basic modules: time module, setting module, alarm module, display module. To achieve these modules, they have to contain a plurality of modules. The display module using LED display, this part is one of the important and difficult. Alarm module is set up and the alarm response to the alarm time, and the response to the alarm and hourly chime are quite similar. Setting module can be described as choosing functions, and set it. The most fundamental time module is achieved by automatic counting, including 60 hex and 24 hex, 12 hex is simply switch to, without further counting modules. Finally, a top-level module is coding to include and connect all modules, and then finish this design.
    Keywords:    Digital clock; LED display; functional simulation; state machine; hardware description language
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    本课题的重点    1
    1.2    课题的目的与意义    1
    1.3    国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.4    发展趋势    2
    1.5    数字钟介绍    2
    1.5.1    数字钟的简介    2
    1.5.2    数字钟的发展    3
    1.5.3    数码管在数字钟设计中的应用    3
    1.6    本文主要工作    3
    2    软件概述    5
    2.1    设计语言介绍    5
    2.1.1    硬件描述语言    5
    2.1.2    本设计语言的定义    5
    2.1.3    本设计语言的应用情况和适用的设计    5
    2.2    设计使用软件介绍    6
    3    数字钟系统分析    7
    3.1    总体设计方案    7
    3.2    功能描述和说明    7
    3.2.1    本节插图变量说明    8
    3.2.2    功能选择    8
    3.2.3    时间显示    9
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