    Heat transfer system DCS control system
    Abstract:Distributed control system design tasks require major field control station (I / O station), data communications systems, man-machine interface unit (operator station OPS, engineer station ENS), cabinets, power supply and other components. The system has an open architecture that can provide multi-layered open data interface. Hardware systems in harsh industrial site with high reliability, easy maintenance, and advanced technology. Speaking of the underlying software platform with powerful processing capabilities and provides convenient configuration of complex control system capabilities and user-developed special ability to support advanced control algorithms; easy to configure and easy to use. It supports a variety of field bus standard to accommodate future expansion needs. System design and use of appropriate redundancy to module level diagnostics self-diagnosis function with a high degree of reliability. Any single component failure in the system, will not affect the whole system. Parameters of the system, alarm, self-diagnosis and other management functions are highly concentrated in the CRT display and on the printer, the control system really functionally and physically dispersed.
    Keywords: distributed control;Heat transfer system;Control configuration;System design
    1绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究的意义    2
    1.2 课题的目的和要求    2
    2传热系统DCS控制系统设计    3
    2.1 设计目的    3
    2.2 设计原理    3
    2.2.1 设计数据计算    3
    2.3 被控对象——传热单元操作实验装置介绍    4
    2.3.1装置介绍    4
    2.3.2换热器结构    5
    2.4 实训工艺流程    8
    2.4.1 实验设备配置    10
    2.4.2 仪表及控制系统一览表    10
    2.4.3 能耗一览表    11
    3 DCS工程设计    13
    3.1概述    13
    3.1.1 范围    13
    3.1.2 标准规范    13
    3.1.3 系统特点    13
    3.1.4 供货方责任范围    14
    3.2 DCS控制规模    14
    3.2.1 输入/输出信号类型    14
    3.2.2 输人/输出规模    14
    3.3 系统功能要求    15
    3.3.1 控制功能    15
    3.3.2 画面功能    16
    3.3.3 报表功能    17
    3.3.4 历史数据存储功能    17
    3.4 系统设计    17
    3.4.1 设计原则    17
    3.4.2 操作站    18
    3.4.3 控制和数据处理系统    19
    3.4.4 通信系统    20
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