    摘要: 现如今,高速铁路运输技术的迅速发展已经使其取得了一系列的新成就,新突破。大量信息表明,在重要经济区和大城市间的主要运输通道中,发展高速铁路运输,已是必然的大趋势。而在当今高速铁路运输中,电力牵引技术已然成为了最主要的高速铁路运营方式。电力牵引是一种利用电能作为牵引动力,将电能转换为机械能,驱动铁路列车、电动车组和城市轨道电动车辆等载运工具运行的一种运输方式。38735
    毕业论文关键字: 高速铁路;牵引供电系统;变电所
    Design of high power supply simulation experiment system
    Abstract: Nowadays, the rapid development of high-speed railway transport technology has made it a series of new achievements, new breakthroughs. A lot of information indicates that the development of high-speed railway transportation in the big city is the inexorable trend. In the high-speed railway transportation, electric traction technology has become the main way of high-speed railway operation. Electric traction uses electric energy as traction power, converts electrical energy into mechanical energy, drive train, EMUs and urban rail electric vehicles, such as a form of running the tool transport carrying.
    This design focus on linking theory with practice, theory of knowledge and strive to comprehensive, simple, understandable and practical skills focus on practicality, In this Paper, I will discuss today’s high-speed railway traction power supply system, and then, design a set of high speed rail power supply simulation experiment system. The system mainly includes the protection of the two sides, the experimental analog disk, the analog panel of the fault current, the three - sided AC - DC disk and the background monitoring system
    Keywords: High speed railway; traction power supply system; substation
     目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  发展电力牵引技术的背景和优势    1
    1.1.1  背景    1
    1.1.2  优势    1
    1.2   国内高铁电力牵引发展现状    1
    1.3  课程设计的主要内容    2
    2  高铁供电系统的构成和功能    3
    2.1  高铁供电系统的构成    3
    2.2  高铁供电系统各部分功能    3
    2.2.1  交流牵引变电所    3
    2.2.2  电力机车    3
    2.2.3  接触网    4
    3  变电所的运作    5
    3.1  牵引供电方式    5
    3.1.1  直接供电方式    5
    3.1.2  BT供电方式    5
    3.1.3  AT供电方式    6
    3.2  牵引供电设施的功能    6
    3.2.1  变电所    6
    3.2.2  分区所(SP)    6
    3.2.3  开闭所(SSP)    7
    3.2.4  自耦变压器站(AT所)    7
    3.3  牵引供电设施的分布    8
    3.4  变电所的控制方式    8
    3.5  变电所主控制室    9
    4  高铁模拟实验系统的设计    10
    4.1  系统构成    10
    4.1.1  控制部分    11
    4.1.2  保护测控装置    11
    4.1.3  监控部分    11
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