    毕业论文关键词:  球杆系统;  模糊控制;  模糊PID控制器
    Fuzzy Controller Design of the Ball & Beam
    Abstract:Control theory has a lot of well.known laboratory equipment,Ball & Beam  is one of them. Many scholars have studied with him。The Ball & Beam is a typical nonlinear system, which has an open.loop unstable nature, and is a non.minimum phase system. The Ball & Beam as a laboratory simulation of teaching equipment, the structure is relatively simple, nonlinear dynamic characteristics are more obvious, and can be applied a variety of algorithms. Usually you can see, when the launch of some new algorithm,this algorithm will be applied in the Ball & Beam first. Thus , Ball & Beam is very important. The issue use the Ball & Beam  in laboratory club , Stability analysis system, and the design of a fuzzy controller. The error and change rate are the input, parameter adjustment of PID controller are output. In order to enable a rapid and smooth reaches the position where the small target ball, the last of the fuzzy controller design, simulation results show that the fuzzy controller designed this project has good control effect.
    KeyWords: Ball & Beam ;   Fuzzy control ;   Fuzzy PID controller.
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题的目的与意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究水平及现状    1
    1.3  发展趋势    2
    1.4  课题的主要工作    3
    2  球杆系统的分析与建模    4
    2.1  球杆系统的介绍    4
    2.1.1  球杆系统的硬件组成    4
    2.1.2  IPM100伺服驱动器分析    5
    2.2  球杆系统的数学模型建立    5
    2.2.1  拉格朗日方程    5
    2.2.2  球杆系统的建模    6
    2.2.2  在 Simulink 中分析球杆系统的稳定性    8
    2.2.3  球杆系统的电气模型    10
    3  模糊控制器及其设计    13
    3.1 模糊控制简介    13
    3.2  模糊控制的特点    13
    3.3  模糊控制的基础    14
    3.3.1  模糊集合    14
    3.3.2  隶属函数    15
    3.3.3  模糊矩阵与模糊关系    15
    3.3.4  模糊语言与语言变量    16
    3.3.5  模糊推理    16
    3.3.6  反模糊化    17
    3.4  模糊控制器的结构与组成    17
    3.4.1  模糊控制器的结构    17
    3.4.2  模糊控制器的各部分组成    17
    3.5  模糊控制器的设计    19
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