    毕业论文关键词:Arduino  报警器  传感器
       Frequent occurrence of fire today, people have been looking for an effective fire alarm equipment, from simple analog electronic Grossly, nose smelled alarm system, fire alarm has entered the era of the digital alarm. Replaced with Arduino traditional microchips, because Arduino platform has a wealth of external interfaces and accessories to facilitate novice learning, conducive to innovation, based on this it will bring an accurate fire alarm alarm, an alarm pinnacle of innovation.
    The design of the traditional design methods, the design of hardware do first, and then to each hardware module with software subroutines. Choose which aspects of the hardware, with a temperature sensor and M-Q2 (smoke sensor), fire information collected by smoke / temperature sensor, signal filtering after the enlargement process to the Arduino, Arduino after processing information to determine whether the fire occurred, the event That will be an alarm through the buzzer. Hardware circuit including DS18B20 temperature measurement circuit, alarm circuit, four digital display circuit, key circuit, smoke sensors converting circuit. Software design, including the main program design, digital filtering program, alarm procedures, control button design procedures, testing procedures. Programs written in C, call the library to make programming easier.
    Keywords:  Arduino  alarm  sensor
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    1.绪论    III
    1.1 国内外研究现状    1
    1.2 课题研究意义    2
    1.3本论文完成的主要工作    3
    2.火灾报警系统整体方案规划设计    5
    2.1火灾报警系统的设计目标    5
    2.2火灾报警器的原理    5
    2.3火灾报警系统的框图    6
    2.4控制器的选择    6
    2.5 核心芯片AVR的简单介绍    6
    2.6火灾报警系统的硬件框图    8
    3.火灾报警系统硬件设计    9
    3.1外部接口电路    9
    3.1.1 DS18B20测温电路    9
    3.1.2报警电路    10
        3.1.3四位数码管显示电路    11
    3.1.4按键电路    12
    3.1.5烟雾传感器转换电路    12
    3.2硬件电路图设计    12
    4.软件设计    13
    4.1系统软件设计总流程图    14
    4.2主程序设计    15
    4.2.1设计要求    15
    4.2.2主程序流程图    15
    4.2.3主程序初始化流程图    17
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