    毕业论文关键词:潮流计算  牛顿--拉夫逊算法  电网系统结构
    Abstract Nowadays, power flow is the most important and fundamental tool analysis of any power system analysis.The computing results of bus voltage, load power losses and power losses in the lines are the key of steady-state analysis of power system. The function of flow calculation makes a influence on the design, planning and scheduling of electrical power network. As the developments of techniques of electric power network, ways of power flow calculation are various, mainly having Newton-Raphson method, Gaussian elimination and PQ decoupled power flow, which are already mature. Different flow calculation soft wares are widely employed into the development of electric power.
    This paper discusses the historical development of flow calculation software and the mainstream calculation principle in details. Based on these, this paper adopts two flow calculation soft wares of PAST and BPA to model IEEE3 generator 9-bus and 10 generator 39-buses and calculate them. The results have good convergences and practical significance and meet design requirement.
    Keywords:power flow calculation  Newton-Raphson algorithm  power system structure.
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1  绪  论    1
    1.1  电力系统潮流计算研究的目的和意义    1
    1.2  电力系统潮流计算的发展史    1
    2  电力系统网络的数学模型    4
    2.1  电力网络的基本方程式    4
    2.2  节点导纳矩阵及其算法    6
    2.2.1  自导纳和互导纳    6
    2.2.2  非标准变比变压器    7
    2.2.3  系统变更时的修正    8
    2.2.4  节点导纳矩阵的计算方法    10
    3  电力系统潮流计算的计算机算法    12
    3.1  潮流计算的基本方程    12
    3.2  节点的分类    13
    3.3  牛顿--拉夫逊法潮流计算    14
    3.3.1  雅可比矩阵    14
    3.3.2  牛顿--拉夫逊法潮流算法原理    16
    3.3.3  牛顿--拉夫逊法潮流算法的求解过程    22
    3.4  PQ分解法潮流计算    22
    3.4.1  PQ分解法的基本方程式    22
    3.4.2  PQ分解法的求解过程    25
    4  PSAT电力系统软件    27
    4.1  PAST电力系统软件简介    27
    4.2  PAST电力系统软件应用    27
    5  PSAT电力系统模型仿真    30
    5.1  IEEE 3机9节点系统模型仿真    30
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