    本文首先介绍了PWM整流器研究的背景和现状。给出本课题的研究意义、目的和内容。通过PWM整流器的主电路拓扑结构的介绍和分析,最终确定以三相半桥电压型 PWM 整流器作为本篇论文研究对象。本文分析了SVPWM(空间电压矢量脉宽调制)技术,PID调节。PWM整流器的调节选择双闭环电压电流解耦控制策略。然后,本文针对该系统进行了包括各个模块的具体的硬件电路设计。如直流侧电流电压测量电路的设计、同步检测信号设计、传感器设计等等。最后,进行了系统软件的设计,其中主要包括主程序流程图、中断服务程序、PID控制算法程序等。39868
    毕业论文关键词: SVPWM  IPM  整流器  DSP
    The rapid development of power electronics technology is promoting the development of the converter, such as rectifiers, inverters, inverter and so on. The use of them is promoting the development of society in  aspects of social life. However, harmonic pollution problems are growing, and more and more people are aware of the problem gradually. To solve this problem, PWM rectifier technology attracted the attention of many scientific and technical personnel. Three-phase voltage type PWM rectifier can achieve unity power factor operation, stable voltage output, good dynamic response, network testing and DC-side two-way flow of energy. Therefore, it has become social hot research topic in the field of power electronics.
    This paper describes the background and current situation of PWM Rectifier, give the significance of this project, purpose and content. This paper analyzes the SVPWM (space vector pulse width modulation) technology. Firstly, this paper include the main circuit, DSP control circuit, protection circuit to complete the hardware design three-phase voltage type PWM rectifier, inductor DC side measured as net current design, the synchronization detection signal design, sensor design, and so on. Finally, this paper makes a systematic software design, which includes the main program flow chart, the interrupt service routine, the control algorithm procedures
    Key words:  SVPWM  IPM  System Rectifier  DSP
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1  绪  论    1
    1.1 PWM整流器研究的背景和意义    1
    1.2 PWM整流技术发展现状    2
    1.3 本文主要工作    2
    2  系统总体设计    4
    2.1 PWM整流器分类    4
    2.2 PWM整流器拓扑结构    4
    2.2.1  单相半桥电路    5
    2.2.2  单相全桥的拓扑结构    6
    2.2.3  三相半桥VSR电路结构    7
    2.2.4  三相全桥VSR拓扑结构    8
    2.3 电流电压双闭环SVPWM控制    8
    2.3.1  电流内环控制的设计    9
    2.3.2  电压外环控制系统设计    10
    2.4 PID控制器    12
    2.4.1  PID控制的基本原理    12
    2.4.2  PID控制器的数字化实现    13
    2.5 本章小结    14
    3 系统硬件设计    15
    3.1 主电路硬件设计    15
    3.1.1    主功率开关器件的选择    15
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