    本论文采用ANSYS软件对复合材料层合板进行数值模拟。研究了有限元模型的单元类型的选取,几何模型的大小的设定,网格单元长度的选择和约束的施加。首先利用ANSYS软件建立了无缺陷复合板模型,采用界面元模拟分层界面,壳单元模拟层合板,对模型加载Lamb信号。随后在模型中引入缺陷,施加同样的信号,分析信号的变化来检测复合板的缺陷 。本课题研究了创建有限元模型的方法,并对有限元模型加载Lamb波评估模型的质量,验证无损检测技术的精确性。6507
    关键词: 复合材料,ANSYS,缺陷,数值分析
    With the extensive use of composites ,the research of failure modes is gradually perfected .From the microscopic damage mechanics point of view ,the failure of composite laminates is attribute to intralaminar and interlarninar damages,such as fiber breakage in plane,delamination,and sub-laminate buckling.According to the statistics.Delimitation contributes to 60%in all failure modes .Either for monotonic static loading or cyclic fatigue one,delimitation and delimitation propagation call significantly reduce the loading capacity of composite structures and even make catastrophic damage ,leading to serious safety problems . Therefore, the use of finite element software for engineering analysis have been widely used, and create the finite element model is an important part of the impact of finite element analysis, validity and accuracy of the finite element model directly affect the final results.
    This paper uses the ANSYS software to carry on the numerical simulation of composite laminates. Research on the finite element model of the selection of element type, geometric model of the size of the set, applying the selection and constraint length of the grid unit. First established the defect free composite plate model by using ANSYS software, the interface element layer interface simulation, shell element to simulate the laminates, the model was loaded Lamb signal. Then the defect is introduced in the model, applying the same signal, analysis of signal changes to detect defects of composite board. The research methods to create the finite element model, and assess the quality of the model of the finite element model of loading Lamb wave, nondestructive testing technology to verify the accuracy of.
    Keywords: composite; ANSYS; damage; numerical analysis
    目  录
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1  复合材料的研究现状及发展趋势    1
    1.1.1  复合材料简介    1
    1.1.2  复合材料发展历史    2
    1.1.3  复合材料的发展方向    3
    1.1.4  CAE软件简介    3
    1.2   ANSYS软件简介    4
    1.2.1  ANSYS在复合材料应用状况    4
    1.2.2  实体建模    5
    1.3  无损检测技术    7
    1.4  小结    8
    第二章 有限元模型    9
    2.1  引言    9
    2.2  背景    9
    2.2.1  热压罐成型法基本原理    9
    2.2.2  工艺特点    10
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