


    本文在美国Altera 公司的开发板DE2完成CMOS Sensor的驱动,实现视频采集与显示;完成超声波数据的采集与转换、触发报警信息,经仿真以及下载到板上验证,整个系统工作正常。

    毕业论文关键词:倒车雷达,超声波测距、CMOS Sensor、FPGA

    Design of reversing radar based on Sensor CMOS and ultrasonic distance measurement

    Abstract:With the improvement of people's living standard, the car has become a necessary equipment for every family. The safety and convenience of parking is more and more high. Reversing radar, also known as the parking assist system, to be able to sound or more intuitive to inform the driver around obstacles, you can lift the driver in the parking, reversing and start the vehicle in the field of vision.

        The design of this topic is pided into two parts: 1 detector ranging: the use of ultrasonic sensors to do the detector, by the FPGA control, access to obstacles and display in the digital tube. 2. Rearview camera: use the camera to capture the image, through the video decoding chip, and then the video signal is sent to FPGA, processed in display real-time image.

    This design is based on Altera de2 development board, complete CMOS sensor driver, realization of video capture and display; ultrasonic data acquisition and conversion, trigger alarm information. Through the simulation and download to authenticate to the board. The whole system work normally.

    Key words: reversing radar, ultrasonic ranging, Sensor CMOS, FPGA 

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1课题研究的背景 1

    1.2课题研究的意义 1

    1.3国内外倒车雷达的发展现状 2

    1.4本课题研究的内容 2

    第二章 超声波测距和CMOS图像传感器相关理论 5

    2.1 超声波基本理论 5

    2.1.1超声波 5

    2.1.2 超声波的物理特性 5

    2.1.3 超声波的传播速度 6

    2.2 倒车雷达的测距技术 7

    2.3 超声波传感器 8

    2.3.1压电式超声波传感器基本的组成和结构 8

    2.3.2车载压电式超声波传感器基本原理 8

    2.3.3 压电式超声波传感器的性能指标 9

    2.4 超声波传感器测距的方法研究 9

    2.4.1测距原理 10

    第三章 CMOS图像传感器及相关理论 12

    3.1 CMOS图像传感器背景 12

    3.3 CMOS 图像传感器的工作原理 12

    第四章 FPGA与NIOS II系统的原理及特点

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