

    关键词  三轴加速度 人体平衡模型 跌倒检测 数学模型


    Title      People fall detection based on the acceleration  sensor                                         


    The high incidence falls in older people may result in serious consequences.Falls of the elderly have become one of the important reasons of morbidity and mortality because of the osteoporosis and fractures of the elderly.If we can provide a cushion

    when the elderly fall just like the airbag of a car,we will significantly reduce 

    the extent of damage.The may topic of the project is how to detect the fall of people rapidly during the process. This topic will establish the equilibrium model of people,as well as analyze the different variations of the various parameters in the body during exercise.I used a software named Keil to program.I use an acceleration sensor named ADXL345 to measure the change of the acceleration of three axes and the angle of Z-axes,then,I send the data which have been processed by LPC1114 with arc tangent to the computer.After that,I use MATLAB to collect and analyze experimental data,as well as Fit the corresponding mathematical function model to determine whether the person is about to fall.The project can address the key issues of the whole system. 

    Keywords  triaxial acceleration  Body Balance Model  fall detection  mathematical model     

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题背景及研究意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 2

    1.3 本人工作 3

    1.4 章节安排 4

    2  系统总体设计 5

    2.1  跌倒保护系统框架 5

    2.2  工作原理 5

    2.3  硬件设计框架 6

    2.4  微控制器模块 6

    2.5  三轴加速度传感器模块 8

    2.6  SPI通信 9

    2.7  数据输出电路设计 9

    3  软件设计 11

    3.1  软件开发平台 11

    3.2  软件编程 11

    3.3  串口通信 13

    3.4  SPI协议 13

    4  实验结果分析 15

    4.1  人体建模与运动分析 15

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