


    The Realization of The GPS Vehicle Positioning Based on GSM

    Abstract: Since twenty-first Century, the rapid development of the global economy, the traffic situation has gone from bad to worse. ITS (intelligent transportation system) can be used to solve this problem, is one of the key technology of vehicle positioning and monitoring. In this article, the realization of the vehicles involved in the positioning of the research content mainly includes GPS, GSM communication. This paper focuses on the development process of the GPS positioning system, and briefly describes the principle of satellite positioning and the use of GIS in the realization of the system; The communication methods used in the GSM communication system are deeply explored; Emphatically expounds the method to realize the principle of vehicle positioning and the realization of the GSM data communication; Have made a research on the terminal positioning system.

    Key Words: GPS; GSM; SMS; GIS; Location tracking

    目    录

    摘要 1

    引言 1

    1.绪论 2

    1.1车辆定位监控系统研究现状及应用前景 2

    1.2论文的意义和内容 2

    2.GPS全球定位系统及GIS地理信息系统 3

    2.1 GIS概述及作用 3

    2.2 GPS定位技术的发展 3

    2.3 GPS定位系统的组成及各部分作用 4

    2.4 GPS卫星定位的原理 5

    2.5动态GPS卫星定位基本原理 8

    2.6本章小结 8

    3.GSM网络的研究及应用 9

    3.1 GSM通信系统概述 9

    3.2车辆监控系统中的GSM业务选择 11

    3.3 SMS短消息服务 12

    3.4本章小结 13

    4.基于GSM的GPS车辆定位的实现 14

    4.1系统简述 14

    4.2系统的构成及工作原理 14 

    4.3系统开发环境的选择 15

    4.4 GSM通信系统的设计与实现 15

    4.5 GPS车辆定位精度及实时性分析 18

    4.6本章小结 19

    5.定位系统终端 19

    5.1车载GPS终端 19

    5.2监控管理平台 20

    6.总结与展望 21

    6.1总结 21


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