    摘要视觉引导机器人搬运技术是机器视觉的一个很重要研究领域,也是运动控制发展的一个方向。本文从机器视觉在工业上的实际应用出发,采用固高公司GRB-3014四自由度SCARA机器人和MER-125-30UM-L型大恒水星(Mercury)系列 USB 接口数字工业相机组成单目视觉机器人的硬件系统。进行了相机固定支架和光源系统设计。采用Halcon10.0图像处理软件实现图像采集、实时图像、相机内外参数标定、工件注册、工件匹配等功能,机器视觉测量得到平面内工件的位置和姿态;再将Halcon程序导出成C++格式嵌入至VC++6.0中,结合机器人正反解运动控制程序进行视觉引导机器人对工件的搬运。经过反复实验,实现了视觉引导SCARA机器人搬运工件,系统运行稳定、抓取精确,符合预期的要求,有很好的应用价值。46191
    The technology of Visual-guide robot handling is a very important part of machine vision research area. And it also as a direction of motion control development. In this paper, starting from the practical application of machine vision in industry, Googol GRB-3014 four degrees of freedom SCARA robot and MER-125-30UM-L type Daheng Mercury series of USB interface digital industrial camera composed of monocular vision hardware system. And the camera-fixed  holder and the light source system were designed. The image acquisition, real-time image, calibration of intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the cream, workpiece registration, workpiece matching and other functions were programmed byHalcon10.0 software so as to obtain the position and pose of the workpiece in the plane by the machine vision measurement method above; then the codes were exported to C ++ codes by Halcon and were embedded to VC ++ 6.0, combined with the positive and negative solutions of robot motion control program to realize the workpiece vision-guided handing. After repeated experiments, vision-guided SCARA robot well pick and put the workpieces was achieved, the system was stable, precise, and met the expected requirements with a good application value.
    Key words: Machine vision; Calibration; Workpiece matching; Halcon; VC ++6.0
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1课题研究背景及研究意义    1
    1.2机器视觉的概述及其发展状况    2
    1.2.1机器视觉的概述    2
    1.2.2机器视觉测量    3
    1.2.3机器视觉测量技术应用发展    3
    第二章  SCARA机器人的硬件系统    5
    2.1 SCARA机器人    5
    2.2 相机的选型    6
    2.3 调光灯的选型    8
    2.3.1 灯光调节的设计原理    8
    2.3.2灯光调节的电路图    9
    2.4 支架    9
    第三章  视觉引导SCARA机器人的软件设计    11
    3.1 VC软件设计    11
    3.2  Halcon软件设计    13
    3.2.1 Halcon软件介绍    13
    3.2.2单次采集    13
    3.2.3实时图像    15
    3.2.4相机标定    15
    3.2.5工件注册    20
    3.2.6工件匹配    21
    3.2.7 Halcon和VC混合编程    22
    第四章  课题研究结论及展望    25
    4.1 实验结果    25
    4.1.1相机标定结果    25
    4.1.2工件注册结果    25
    4.1.3工件匹配结果    26
    4.1.4机器人控制平台调试结果    26
    4.1.5全文总结    27
    4.2 课题不足及展望    28
    致谢    29
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