
    Programming logic controller, also known as programmable program controller, used to store the compiled program memory, in its interior can be issued to save program, execution sequence control, timing, logical and arithmetic operations and the number of user instructions, in mechanical production process through digital or analog intends to input / output control to realize the control of the whole process.
    In the industrial and mining enterprises bridge crane is a very wide range of from heavy machinery traditional relay contactor control system and on high energy consumption, poor speed performance, the failure rate, high safety and low use of Siemens S7-300PLC to reconstruct the 15 / ton bridge crane with Japan Yaskawa G7 frequency converter speed regulation mode. The comparative analysis the advantages and disadvantages of bridge crane traditional mode of speed regulation and frequency conversion speed, application of Yaskawa G7 series inverter in iron and Steel Group Company of bridge crane is introduced in this paper, using PLC and VVVF technology promotion to the technological transformation of traditional electric drive system, realizes the smooth operation, improve operation efficiency, to protect the safety of the motor, reduces the electrical maintenance strength, reduce the energy consumption of the system and eliminate human error, avoid production safety accidents and other effects, has important practical significance. Also introduces the basic ideas and the transformation of the system structure, the choice of frequency converter and other issues. After the transformation, the bridge crane runs smoothly, the performance is stable, and the fault rate is obviously reduced.
    Key words:overhead traveling cane;frequency converter;PLC;control system
    目  录
    摘  要    2
    ABSTRACT    3
    第一章  绪  论    1
    1.1传统桥式起重机控制系统的问题    1
    1.2桥式起重机调速系统的发展    1
    1.3本课题的研究意义及主要内容    2
    第二章  变频调速桥式起重机系统功能和硬件设计    4
    2.1桥式起重机系统简介及起重机基本数据    4
    2.1.1桥式起重机的构造    4
    2.1.2桥式起重机运行机构    4
    2.2控制系统原理    5
    2.3系统硬件构成    5
    2.3.1变频器    5
    2.3.2可编程控制器    6
    第三章 系统的部件选用    8
    3.1电机的选用    8
    3.1.1变频调速对电机的要求    8
    3.1.2电机效率    8
    3.1.3电机运行的起动转矩以及功率因数    8
    3. 2变频器的选用    9
    3.2.1变频器选型    9
    3.2.2变频器容量选择    9
    3. 3常用辅件的介绍    10
    3.3.1接触器    10
    3.3.2断路器    10
    3.3.3交流电抗器    11
    3.3.4制动单元    11
    3.3.5制动电阻器    11
    第四章 安川G7变频器在桥式起重机控制的应用设计    13
    4.1变频器的设计    13
    4.1.1安川G7变频器的概述    13
    4.1.2变频器的控制方式设定    13
    4.1.3变频器主要参数设置    14
    4.2桥式起重机拖动系统    15
    4.2.1负荷特点    15
    4.2.2控制要求    15
    4.2.3系统配置    16
    第五章 桥式起重机变频调速系统设计    17
    5.1总体改造方案    17
    5.2系统设计    18
    5.2.1运行模块    18
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