




    Title:   The research of the microgrid’s smooth switchover between of the interconnection and off-grid model                                                  


    It is an important component of the micro grid control that microgrid’s  switchover between of the interconnection and off-grid mode. When Microgrid work in the interconnection mode, it will deliver the energy of the distributed generation device into the grid. If it work in off-grid mode, at the time of interruption of power supply,it will provide local load voltage and frequency support. In order to maintain the load of power supply, the conversion between of the two work modes should be non-stop to restart but the seamless switching. Micro grid smooth switch can not only ensure the quickness of power supply after the operation mode switch, it also can guarantee  power supply reliability and power quality to the important load in the micro grid area . So there is a very important significance of the smooth switching method to the micro grid for its control.

    At first, this paper takes a further study on the network control principle of inverter under different operating mode, and found that there are reference signals mutation in control circuit when switch the operation mode, leading to  the voltage and current shock, so a smooth switchover compensation control algorithm is proposed according to the signals mutation, it means that making a compensation for the mutational reference signals when switching operation mode, so that the reference signal will transit smoothly, finally the purpose of smooth transition will be achieved. At last, I establish a microgrid master inverter circuit model by using MATLAB/Simulink software, and verify the effectiveness of the smooth switch compensation control method through the simulation.

    Keywords:  Micro network; running in interconnection and off-grid model; smooth switch; MATLAB


    1 引言 1

    1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 并离网平滑切换技术的研究现状 1

    1.3 研究工作内容 4

    2 基于主从控制模式的微电网研究 5

    2.1 微电网主从模式研究 5

    2.2 并网逆变器控制研究

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