    关键词: 校车  安全  法律法规  设计标准  路径优化  管理策略
    Title       A Study Of National School Bus Safety    Management Strategy                                                
    In recent years, the school bus safety accident happened frequency. The school bus safety management perfect or not was a great extent to determine the school bus safety or not. Due to the influence of many factors, the school bus safety management are still insufficient attention, Lack of the school bus safety of characteristics and laws of specialized management, Have not yet set up reasonable and efficient management system. The management content has some missing and problems, Lack of management system and measures to deal with the problem. At present, the urgent need of attention and effectively solve these problems, and improve school bus safety management, to fully protect children's lives, health and safety.
    This paper analyzes the laws and regulations of the U.S. school bus safety management, and has done a comparative analysis to the “school bus safety regulations”. Detailed analysis of the U.S. school bus safety design criteria and design standards of our school bus. In operations and management, for the particularity of school bus, analyzing the route optimization. Finally, put forward the school bus design, supervision, education and other aspects of school bus safety management strategy.
    Keywords  school bus   safety   laws and regulations    Design standards  path optimization   management strategy
     目   录
    1.绪论    1
    1.1研究的背景和意义    1
    1.2.国内外校车安全管理现状    2
    1.3论文主要内容    6
    2 校车安全的法律保障问题    7
    2.1 法治是校车安全治理的治本之策    7
    2.2 政府是依法治理校车问题的主体    7
    2.3我国校车安全管理条例剖析    10
    3 校车安全设计内容及分析    15
    3.1 美国校车的定义    15
    3.2 美国校车安全设计标准    15
    3.3 美国校车安全标准解析    17
    3.4我国校车安全设计标准    23
    4校车路径优化模型的构建    27
    4.1 校车路径问题表述    27
    4.2 数学模型    28
    4.3 模型求解    29
    5.我国校车安全管理策略    33
    5.1 重视校车的设计安全    33
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