



    毕业论文关键字:方舱 电液系统 性能参数

    Abstract With China's economic and social development, the various functions of the special-purpose vehicles are more and more into our production and life. A lot of special-purpose vehicles, such as the demonstration vehicle, command vehicle, due to functional requirements, often need to expand the interior space.

    Shelter loading platform as a generic device, with a strong mobility and adaptability to environment, growing into more application areas. Throughout the development of domestic lifting mechanism, over the past several existing lifting mechanism due to co-exist with the weight slow and laborious operation, large and inconvenient to use and other issues, and therefore can not meet the actual needs.

    This article describes an extension of the commencement of the shelter system, the expanded structure of a shelter, and the use of hydraulic technology to control the commencement of extended shelter and recover. According to the technical specifications of the extension of the commencement of the shelter system hydraulic system of the system overall program design, its functions and working principle analysis, initially identified the basic structure and major components of the system loop, the performance parameters in accordance with the given institution and hydraulic performance parameters of the choice of components, in order to meet the requirements of the shelter to be achieved.

    Keywords:  Shelter  electro-hydraulic system    Performance parameter

    目  录

    第一章   绪论 1

    1.1课题背景 1

    第二章   总体设计方案 4

    2.1方舱的简介 4

    2.2设计要求达到的目的 4

    2.3方舱结构的选择 4

    2.4传动机构的选择 5

    2.4.1机械传动 5

    2.4.2气压传动 5

    2.4.3液压传动 6

    2.5同步方案的选择 6

    2.5.1采用同步阀的同步回路 7

    2.5.2采用液压同步马达的同步回路 8

    2.5.3采用带液压伺服补偿的等流量双泵的同步回路 9

    2.5.4采用比例阀的同步回路 11

    第三章   系统原理及原理图 13

    3.1系统原理图 13

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