    摘要随着牵引供电系统的广泛应用,以及人们生产生活对电能质量的高要求,并且电能质量好坏对人们的生产生活具有至关重要的作用,因此有必要对牵引供电系统的电能质量进行分析并控制。用PSCAD软件建立了牵引变压器、24脉波整流器、直流电力机车的启动和制动模型,在此基础上建立了牵引供电系统的仿真模型,并分析了电力机车稳定运行、启动及其制动时,牵引供电系统的电能质量。针对仿真结果提出了改善电能质量的措施,采用无源滤波器进行滤波,使谐波电压符合国家标准,采用并联电容器进行无功补偿使功率因数提高到0.9,使之符合国家标准。仿真结果表明采取了改善措施后,谐波电压、功率因数均符合国家标准。利用软件PSCAD对一个牵引供电系统的电能质量进行分析和控制,为深入研究牵引供电系统的电能质量分析和控制提供了一定的理论依据。关键词  牵引供电系统   电能质量   谐波   无功补偿      PSCAD
    Title   Power quality analysis and improvement of  traction power     supply  systems                                                  
    With the extensive application of traction power supply system, as well as production and living on the power quality requirements, and power quality is good or bad the production and living of the people has a crucial role, it is necessary for the power quality of traction power supply system analysis and control. PSCAD software to establish a traction transformer 24 pulse rectifier, starting and braking of DC electric locomotive model, on this basis, the traction power supply system simulation model and analysis of electric locomotives and stable operation of the start and its braking ,the traction power supply system of power quality. Proposed measures to improve the power quality of the simulation results, using a passive filter for filtering, the harmonic voltage in line with national standards, the use of shunt capacitors for reactive power compensation to improve the power factor to 0.9, in line with national standards. Simulation results show that the measures taken to improve harmonic voltage, power factor are in line with national standards. Use software PSCAD traction power supply system power quality analysis and control, and provides a theoretical basis for further study of the traction power supply systems, power quality analysis and control.
    Keywords  Traction power supply system   Power quality   Harmonic  
    Reactive power compensation      PSCAD
    目   次

    1  引言    1
    1.1  分析及改善电能质量的目的和意义    2
    1.2  研究现状    2
    1.3  论文的主要工作    3
    2  牵引供电系统的原理及建模    5
    2.1  牵引供电系统的原理接线    5
    2.2  牵引供电系统潮流计算的等值电路    5
    2.3    牵引供电系统的潮流计算    7
    2.4  本章小结    10
    3  牵引变压器建模    11
    3.1  PSCAD/EMTDC仿真软件概述    11
    3.2  牵引变压器原理及其接线    12
    3.3  牵引变压器仿真模型    14
    3.4  本章小结    17
    4  24脉波整流器仿真模型    18
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