
    摘要 随着世界经济的飞速发展,人类对能源的需求日益旺盛,油气资源作为一种主要的能源在经济发展中的地位越来越重。最近一个世纪以来,陆上油气资源日益匮乏,人类便将目光投向了海洋,海洋油气资源开发成为了海洋资源开发工程的重中之重。移动式海洋钻井平台是进行海上油气资源开采的主要设备,目前,我国虽然具备制造海洋钻井平台的能力,但是主要控制系统却基本都采用的进口产品,因此对控制系统的研究有重要意义。50787

      本文基于以太网实现对海洋平台模型的远程监控。在海上自升式钻井平台模型上,构建一套以西门子PLC为核心的底层控制系统,底层控制采用西门子S7-200系列PLC作为其主控制器,控制平台升降过程;在上位机上安装有WinCC组态软件和Web Navigator Server组件,上位机通过由WinCC组态软件开发的监控系统进行现场实时监控,Web Navigator Server组件用来在上位机上构建Web服务器,远程用户通过IE浏览器访问服务器,从而实现远程监控。

    毕业论文关键词 :远程监控;WinCC;海洋平台;PLC


    With the rapid development of the world economy, human demand for energy is booming. Oil and gas resource as a kind major energy is becoming more and more important in economic development. In the last century, the onshore oil and gas resource is increasingly scarce, therefore human beings put eyes into marine ,and the development offshore oil and gas resource has become a top priority of marine resources development projects. The movable offshore drilling platform is the main equipment of the offshore oil and gas resources exploitation.Currently, although our country has the ability to manufacture offshore drilling platforms,but the main control systems assume use of imported products, as a result, the study of the control system is important.

        This thesis is based on Ethernet for remote monitoring of offshore platform model. On the offshore platform model, construct a Siemens PLC system as the core of the underlying control system.The low-level control system adopts Siemens S7-200  PLC as the master controller to control speed, height , platform balance and so on. WinCC configuration software and the Web Navigator Server component is installed on the host computer. The host computer via the WinCC configuration software for real-time monitoring of the site. Web Navigator Server is used to build Web server on the host computer. Remote users access the server through the IE browser, and automatically download and install the Web Navigator Client to achieve remote monitoring.

    Keywords:remote monitoring;WinCC;offshore platform;PLC

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 研究现状 1

    1.3 论文主要完成工作 2

    1.4 本论文结构 3

    第二章  海洋平台实物模型简介 4

    2.1自升式钻井平台升降系统模型分析 4

    2.2自升式钻井平台升降系统的组成 5

    2.3自升式钻井平台升降锁紧装置 6

    2.4自升式钻井平台升降原理 6

    2.5 本章小结 6

    第三章  海洋平台模型远程监控系统模型设计 7

    3.1 远程监控系统类型的选择 7

    3.1.1几种典型的监控系统 7


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