

        该课题基于PLC和触摸屏的给料分拣控制系统的设计,充分利用PLC在控制方面的卓越性能, 借助于传感器,使其能够对不同颜色以及种类的物料按预先设定的程序进行分拣,能连续大批量的分拣货物,分拣误差率低且劳动强度大大降低,可应用于各种单调往复操作的生产线。而触摸屏与PLC之间可以相互传输数据,可以采集外部设备的运行状态,并以数字和图形在监控界面上显示出来,便于工作人员的监控,而且可以通过触摸屏实现对系统的控制,使得对给料分拣的控制更加方便简单。

    毕业论文关键词:  给料分拣;  触摸屏;  PLC

     Abstract Automatic sorting system is a kind of automatic sorting system widely used in the United States, Japan logistics center after the Second World War. The system has become an indispensable part of developed countries large and medium-sized logistics center. It can replace human heavy labor in the handling of goods and sorting articles, the mechanization and automation of production, In high temperature, corrosive and toxic gases and other circumstances to protect the personal safety of operation, can be widely used in machinery manufacturing, metallurgy, electronics, light industry and other sectors.

        This topic to material sorting control system design is based on PLC and touch screen, Outstanding performance by making full use of PLC in the control aspect, with the help of the sensor, which can be of different colors and types of material according to the preset program for sorting, sorting goods in large quantities can be continuous, sorting error rate is reduced greatly and low labor intensity, and can be applied to various monotone reciprocating operation of production line. The touch screen and PLC can transmit data to each, you can capture external equipment operating status and numerically and graphically on the monitor screen on the display for easy staff monitoring, but also through the touch screen to achieve control of the system, making the right to material sorting control more convenient and simple.

    Keyword:  Feeding sorting;  Touch screen;  PLC


    第一章 绪  论 1

    1.1 PLC给料分拣系统的研究背景 1

    1.2 PLC的基本工作原理与特点 1

    1.3 PLC的基本硬件结构 2

    1.4 给料分拣系统控制方案的选择 3

    第二章 PLC材料分拣系统的硬件设计 5                    

    2.1 给料分拣系统的硬件结构及功能 5

    2.2 给料分拣系统的整个工作过程 5

    2.3 给料分拣控制系统的设计 6

    2.3.1系统硬件结构 6

    2.3.2 系统关键技术 7

    2.4 给料分拣系统各设备的选型 8

     2.4.1金属传感器的选用 8

    2.4.2颜色传感器的选用 8

    2.4.3 变频器的选用

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