



    Abstract:With the large-scale use of power electronic devices, harmonic pollution of power systems becomes more and more serious, thus eliminating the harmonic, curbing harmonic pollution brook no delay. The Active Power Filter (APF) and Passive Filter (PF) has its own advantages and disadvantages. But the Hybrid Active Power Filter (HAPF) composed of Passive Filter and Active Power Filter can have their advantages and eliminate their disadvantages, not only can reduce investment costs of the harmonic compensation system but also can improve the ratio of price and performance in the system. So the study of HAPF is of important practical significance.

        Firstly, this paper introduces the harmonic generation, hazards and governance, and then analyzes the working principle and classification of passive filter, active power filter and hybrid active power filter, compared the advantages and disadvantages for each kind of filter. Secondly, it introduces several harmonic current detection method and compensation harmonic current control strategy. Finally, using MATLAB simulation of the  hybrid active power filter model. The simulation results show that the compensation characteristics of hybrid active power filter design and the filtering effect is very good, and verify that the study of the hybrid active power filter is effective and feasible.

    Keywords: harmonic, hybrid active power filter, MATLAB simulation

    目   录

    1 绪论 4

    1.1 谐波的产生 4

    1.2 谐波的危害 4

    1.3 谐波的治理 5

    1.4 本文的主要研究内容 5

    2 无源滤波器和有源电力滤波器的概述 5

    2.1 无源滤波器 5

    2.2 有源电力滤波器 7

    2.3 混合型有源电力滤波器 8

    3 谐波电流检测算法和APF的控制策略 11

    3.1 瞬时无功谐波电流检测法 11

    3.2 APF的控制策略 17

    3.3 本章小结 18

    4 混合型有源电力滤波器的仿真及分析 18

    4.1 仿真模型的参数选定 18

    4.2 混合型有源电力滤波器的仿真波形和结果分析 18

    结论 20

    参考文献 21

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