
    摘要:将收到的故障信息与其他相关信息相融合的结果作为故障诊断的原始信息。各个开关节经过FTU将信息上报给配电自动化主站,经融后将得到各个开关流过故障电流的证据信息矩阵,选用贝叶斯分析方法,即将故障诊断问题转化成概率问题,以达成配电网在非健全信息下的故障诊断。在获得各个可能故障区域的故障概率的基础之上,把故障定位的不确定性考虑在内,以尽可能减少故障恢复进程对用户的影响为前提,提出一种依据区域故障概率和层次关系同时考虑开关拒动等因数的配电网故障自动恢复步骤。根据以上算法为核心,用 MATLAB 编制配电网非健全信息下的故障诊断及故障自动恢复程序。55837


    Abstract:The original information integration will receive the fault information and other relevant information as the result of fault diagnosis .Every ope joint after FTU report information to the master station of distribution automation system.The financial will get evidence information matrix of the fault current flowing through each switch ,the Bias analysis method,and the fault diagnosis problem is transformed into a probability in non. On the basis of the fault location,fault recovery,so as to minimize the impact on the process of the user as the premise,people put forward a method based on the regional fault probability and hierarchical relationship considering switch tripping fault distribution factor automatic recovery steps.According to the above algorithm as the core,I use MATLAB preparation distribution network non perfect fault diagnosis and fault information automatic recovery program. 

    Key words :Self-Healing ,Distribution automation ,Fault allocation ,Restoration  


    1绪论 4

    1.1 选题的背景及研究意义 4

    1.2 国内外的发展及研究现状 4

    1.2.1 非健全信息容错故障诊断方面 4

    1.2.2 配电网故障恢复步骤方面 5

    1.3 本文研究内容 6

    2 基于贝叶斯的故障诊断 6

    2.1 开环配电网故障信息融合 6

    2.1.1 故障信息的漏报和误报 6

    2.1.2 开关状态估计规则 7

    2.1.3 故障相关信息融合 8

    2.1.4 信息融合的处理方法 9

    2.2 开环故障诊断 11

    2.2.1 开环诊断的方法 11

    2.2.2 可能故障区域筛选原则 11

    2.2.3 编程步骤 12

    2.3 本章小结 13

    3 故障处理 13

    3.1 区域 14

    3.2 处理的原则 14

    3.3 处理过程 14

    3.4 本章小结 16

    4 测试与分析 16

    4.1 结构图 16

    4.2 算例 17

    4.2.1 算例描述 17

    4.2.2 理论分析结果 17

    4.2.3 程序实现结果 19


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