


    Abstract: As social and economic development of the transport industry booming, the number of cars in the first mate to climb. Traffic congestion has become increasingly serious crash occurred frequently, resulting in the inevitable personal injury and economic loss.For this situation, devised a fast response, safe and more economical car reversing radar ultrasonic distance measuring device.

    This paper analyses development and the basic principle of ultrasonic distance measurement, conduct scheme design on the basis of the overall. Using AT89C51 microcontroller as the control chip,conduct the ultrasonic transmitting, receiving anddisplay distance, the alarm circuit hardware design,conduct detail instructions and selection with the main components of each unit hardware circuit. Based onthe design of hardware, the paper explain the software design, the software structure of system, and through the program to realize the system functions and requirements.

    Keywords: car reversing radar, AT89C51, ultrasound, measuring distance, LED digital tube


    1  绪论 4

    1.1  设计目的及意义 4

    1.2  测距方式的分析与比较 4

    2  超声波测距原理 5

    2.1  超声波测距原理 5

    2.2  超声波测距在汽车上的运用 5

    2.3  超声波传感器的介绍 6

    3  系统硬件设计 6

    3.1  系统装置设计的要求 6

    3.2  系统整体设计方案 7

    3.3  单片机系统介绍 7

    3.4  超声波信号的发射电路 14

    3.5  超声波信号的接收电路 15

    3.6  距离显示电路 17

    3.7  报警电路 18

    4  系统软件设计 21

    4.1  系统软件设计的框图 21

    4.2  系统程序流程图 22

    4.3  超声波发生子程序和超声波接收中断程序 23

    4.4  超声波测距仪的算法设计 24

    4.5  显示程序 25

    4.6  报警程序 26

    结论 27

    参考文献 28

    致谢 29

    1  绪论

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