摘要:粒子群优化算法(particle swarm optimization,PSO)是源于鸟群飞行觅食行为的研究,是一种群体智能方法的演化计算技术,是演化计算领域中一个新的分支。PSO算法自1995年由Eberhart和Kennedy提出以来已经有许多的研究改进。随着研究者对该算法的深入研究,他们已经发展了新的应用在许多不同的领域。本论文系统的论述了PSO算法及其各种研究成果,并针对基本粒子群算法易陷入局部极小点,搜索效率不高等缺点提出新的改进思想,以提高粒子群种群的多样性,从而提高PSO算法全局寻优的能力。文中根据标准PSO算法从两方面对算法进行改进:一是通过增加新参数即动力参数在位置更新方程中;二是采用减弱速度更新的策略,即尽可能的减小粒子速度更新的计算次数,给粒子提供了足够的发展空间,减少粒子更新速度过快而对粒子的产生的干扰。并且对改进的粒子群算法进行了性能测试及分析,测试结果验证了算法的可行性。8637
关键词: 粒子群优化算法;群体智能;改进;优化
Research and Improvement of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Abstract:Particle swarm optimization(PSO) are derived from the research of foraging behavior of flying birds, is the evolution of computing technology a kind of swarm intelligence method, is a new branch in the field of evolutionary computation. Since the 1995 PSO algorithm proposed by Eberhart and Kennedy has many improvement research. With in-depth research on the algorithm of researchers, they have developed a new application in many different fields. This paper discusses the system of PSO algorithm and its various research results, and the basic particle swarm algorithm easy to fall into local minima, search efficiency not higher shortcomings proposed new ideas, in order to improve the persity of the particle swarm population, thus enhances the ability of global optimization PSO algorithm. In this paper, according to the standard PSO algorithm is improved from two aspects: one is the algorithm by adding new parameters of dynamic parameters in the position update equation; two is the use of reduced velocity update strategy, as far as possible to reduce particle velocity update computation times, to provide sufficient space for development to reduce particle, particle update speed fast and on the particle interference. And the improved particle swarm algorithm was tested and the performance analysis, the test results verify the feasibility of the algorithm.
Keywords: PSO;Swarm Intelligence; Improvement; Optimization
第1章 引言 1
1.1 群体智能优化 1
1.2 粒子群优化算法的起源及研究现状 2
1.3 全文安排 4
第2章 粒子群优化算法概述 5
2.1基本粒子群算法 5
2.2收敛性条件 9
2.3 PSO的改进策略及发展 12
第3章 改进的粒子群优化算法 14
3.1 PSO算法早熟收敛分析 14
3.2 交叉粒子群算法 15
3.3 交叉粒子群算法的优点: 17
第4章 改进的粒子群算法性能测试与分析 18
4.1MATLAB软件介绍 18
4.2程序代码 19
4.2测试函数 23
4.3算法性能测试比较 24
第5章 总结与展望 28
致谢 29
参考文献 30
第1章 引言
大自然给人以许多启迪,人们从生物界的各种自然现象或过程中获得灵感,提出了许多用以解决复杂优化问题的新方法,这些方法因其高效的优化性能、对问题依赖性较小等优点,收到各领域的广泛关注和应用。人们将这种启发应用于生物行为的计算方法称之为生物启发式计算。在最近几十年中应用较为成功的生物启发式计算方法有遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA),人工神经网络(Artificial Neural Networks,ANN),模糊系统(Fuzzy System)等。基于群体智能领域中有两种算法:蚁群优化算法和粒子群优化算法。前者是对蚁群搜索食物行为的模拟,已经成功运用于很多组合优化问题上;后者是源于鸟群和鱼群群体运动行为的研究【1】。
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