    The Design of the Furnace for Heat Treatment by Electric
    Abstract: Metal heat treatment is one of the important processes in the manufacture, compared with other processing, heat treatment is generally not change the shape of the workpiece and the overall chemical composition, but rather by changing the internal microstructure of the workpiece, or a change in the chemical composition of the surface of the workpiece, conferred or improve the performance of the workpiece. In industrial developed today, the power has been widely used in various industries, as a controllable clean energy, is also applicable to the heat treatment process, and does not generate a large amount of flue gas, can effectively reduce the flue gas heat away losses. This article is the design of the electric heating heat treatment furnace, It includes selection furnace, heat treatment time of the workpiece calculated stove specifications, power calculation of the electrical installation of the furnace, the furnace wall masonry material selection and calculation, related to the calculation of the heating element specifications, drawings and other .
    Keywords: heat treatment; resistance furnace; heating time; install the power
    目  录
    1绪论    1
    1.1 课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.3 发展趋势    2
    1.4 调研情况    3
    2电阻炉炉型    5
    2.1 辐射式电阻炉    5
    2.2 对流式电阻炉    6
    2.3 电极盐浴炉    6
    2.4 硝盐炉    6
    2.5其他类型炉    6
    3设计计算    8
    3.1电阻炉炉型设计    8
    3.1.1 室式电阻炉    8
    3.1.2 台车式电阻炉    8
    3.2热处理工件基本参数及炉型确定    9
    3.2.1 原始条件及数据    9
    3.2.2 炉型选择    9
    3.3加热周期计算    10
    3.3.1 加热时间的计算    10
    3.3.2 保温时间的计算    10
    3.3.3 总加热时间的计算    11
    3.4确定炉体结构和尺寸    11
    3.4.1 炉底长度、宽度以及炉膛高度的确定    11
    3.4.2 炉衬材料及厚度的确定    12
    3.5砌体平均表面积计算    14
    3.5.1 炉顶平均面积    14
    3.5.2 炉墙平均面积    14
    3.5.3 炉底平均面积    14
    3.6计算炉子功率    14
    3.6.1 加热工件所需的热量Q件    15
    3.6.2 加热辅助夹具所需的热量Q辅    15
    3.6.3 通过炉衬的散热损失Q散    15
    3.6.4 计算开启炉门的辐射热损失    16
    3.6.5 计算开启炉门溢气热损失    17
    3.6.6 其它热量损失    18
    3.6.7 计算热量总输出    18
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