    关键词  城轨车辆  故障统计  层次分类  功能需求分析  
    Title  Fault Statistical Analysis System of Mass transit vehicles in Guangzhou Metro Line One                                           
    The Fault Statistical Analysis System of Mass transit vehicles is used to manage the failure data and analyze the failure statistics recorded in the operating process for Mass transit vehicles.
    The paper discuss statistical analysis of the failure data recorded in the operating process, And try to find statistical regularities in the failure phenomenon. The paper research the situation  of general machinery and equipment failure statistical analysis, the basic structure of the urban rail vehicles, the basic methods of statistical classification of the failure. This paper proposes a statistical method based on hierarchical classification method for urban rail vehicle breakdowns. The paper research statistical analysis of historical failure data of Guangzhou Metro Line in terms of both circuit and system, and make the failure analysis diagrams.The paper make the functional requirements analysis for failure report module and statistics of fault data module in the statistical analysis system in the urban rail vehicles.
    Keywords  Mass Transit Vehicles; Failure Statistics; Hierarchical Classification; Functional Requirements Analysis
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  引言    1
    1.2  研究现状    2
    1.3  研究内容和论文组织构架    3
    2  城轨车辆故障统计分类方法    4
    2.1  城轨车辆系统简介    4
    2.2  故障分类方法概述    6
    2.3  城轨车辆故障分类    7
    2.4  本章小结    8
    3  城轨车辆故障统计分析图    9
    3.1  故障统计分析图介绍    9
    3.2  城轨车辆单线路故障统计分析    10
    3.3  城轨车辆单系统故障统计分析    17
    3.4  本章小结    29
    4  城轨车辆故障统计分析系统设计    30
    4.1  系统设计意义    30
    4.2  系统概述    30
    4.3  故障数据报表模块    32
    4.4  故障数据综合统计模块    33
    4.5  本章小结    34
    结论    35
    致谢    36
    参考文献    37
    1  绪论
    1.1  引言
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