摘 要在现实生活中由于种种原因,会出现断电停电事故。虽然这种事故并不经常发生,但是很多工业上的电机或大功率的家用电器在断电之后,即便突然恢复供电也不能立即启动,如果马上通电启动电源会因为过载启动或其它原因造成电机的损坏。要等待电器内部冷却再预热,才能重新启动正常工作。在工厂生产时发生通常会面临巨大损失影响生产,即使在家里用电器时发生也会给用户造成很大的麻烦。77251
毕业论文关键词:单片机 STC89C52 多路延时 断电保护
MCU control multiplexer delay protection device
Abstract In real life, due to various reasons, there will be power outages。 Although this accident does not happen often, but many household appliances, industrial motors or power after power, even if power is restored suddenly can not start immediately, if the power-up power immediately because of an overload or other causes the motor to start the damage。 To wait inside the appliance to cool before preheating to restart work properly。 Happen often face huge losses affect production at the plant, even at home occurs when appliances will also give users a lot of trouble。
The design in order to avoid accidents caused by the loss and inconvenience, we can place a protection circuit between the power supply and electrical, power is restored automatically when suddenly delayed for some time to wait inside the appliance warms up, so that electrical start properly, so that you can resolve unnecessary trouble。
This paper has 10 figures, 2 tables, 10 references。
Key words: microcontroller STC89C52 multiple delay power protection
目 录
1绪论 1
1。1选题背景和意义 1
1。3主要研究内容 1
2延时控制电路方案设计 2
2。1延时控制方法方案 2
2。2电路设计硬件方案 2
2。3延时控制程序方案 3
3单片机控制多路延时保护器详细设计 5
3。1系统总体框图设计 5
3。2延时控制电路的硬件设计 6
3。3延时控制电路的系统软件设计 10
4硬件的组装与调试 14
4。1元器件的选择 14
4。2电子元件的焊接 14
4。3电路的调试 14
结论 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17
图序号 图名称 页码
图2-1 ULN2003引脚图 2
图3-1 系统总体框图