摘要:铁路用电设施很多都有电力的供应,例如:装设有通风或照明的隧道、装设照明的大桥和特大桥、铁路车站、段及沿线的其他铁路。轨道电路是一种保证行车安全的设备,它由钢轨绝缘和钢轨线路组成,通常用于连续。自动检测这段线路是否被机车车辆占用。电力系统决定着电力能源的产生、传输和配送,因为它由多种设备和元件组成,所以其任何一个环节只要出现问题,就会导致设备故障甚至更严重的后果。 所以在电路故障中,我们必须在很短的时间内切断电路,继电是保护电路故障,实现瞬时切断自动装置,是电力系统的一个组成部分。配网的保护主要设置有变压器的保护配置以及线路的保护配置和母线的保护配置。我做的这次毕业论文《电力系统35kV配网图3的保护设计、选型及组屏》主要是根据《继电保护和安全自动装置技术规程》、电力系统配网的保护基本原理和实现方式,设计了35KV的电力系统配网3中的不同电力设备的保护,如变压器、短路电流、输电线路等。在此次的论文设计中我运用了大量的公式和计算,并且在论文中插入了很多表格资料,通过不同产品的比较来实现最优的选择。并通过在重庆新世纪产品制造设计公司和的现场观察和实习了解最新的保护方法和最新的保护装置产品来满足设计的需要,对保护设备进行选型与组屏。79889
Title Abstract:There are mang railway equipment have electricity supply。For example:railway stations, sections, tunnels equipped with mechanical ventilation or lighting, bridges equipped with lighting and large bridges and other railway power facilities。The track circuit is composed of a rail line and rail insulation consisting of circuit for automatic and continuous detection of this line。It is also used to control the vehicle occupancy, signaling device and switch device, that’t to ensure traffic safety equipment safety。 Power system is huge trival system and composed of many links, multi-element equipment composition。 which determines the electric energy generation, transmission and distribution。 Any link of the system appears problems will lead to equipment damage and even more serious consequences。 For example: burning out electrical equipment; electrical equipment insulation damage caused by the generation of heat, which will shorten its service life; affecting the stability of power system, which will cause severe and huge losses and so on。 So in a circuit malfunction, it is required to cut circuit in a very short time。 Relay protection is a kind of automatic device, which is to realize instantaneous cut when a circuit fault happens。It is the
indispensable part of power system。The protection of the network mainly included the generators, the transformers as well as transmission lines, also the bus bar 。 This paper designs different electrical facilities protection in the 3th network of 35kV power system, such as generator, transformer, bus and power transmission line according to the technical code for relaying protection and security automatic equipment and the basic principle and realizing forms of power system network。 And through visiting railway administration and product-made company, we have known the newest protection methods and facilities and use them to satisfy the requirements of design。
KeyWords: Railway circuit;relay protection;setting caculation;model selection;group screen
目 录
1 绪论 1
1。1 继电保护技术简介 1
1。3 毕业设计的目的和要求