毕业论文关键词 MSP430 protel99se DS1302 硬件设计
Title Data Acquisition System Based on Internet of Things Hardware Design
Abstract The development of information technology derived from the data acquisition of this branch, its development and the overall development of science and technology and the development of highly automated production is closely related。 In recent decades, countries around the world have attached great importance to this。 And the temperature as the project site had to consider the impact of factors, it is particularly important to measure。
In this paper, according to the need of data acquisition, the design of acquisition circuit based on the minimum system of MSP430 MCU is designed。 The first is to introduce the function of each module, and then explain in detail how each function is implemented by the circuit and chip, and gives the schematic diagram。 In addition to make use of Protel99SE schematic, PCB diagram and make the kind, to complete the debugging of the whole system。
Keywords MSP430 DS18B20 DS1302 display driver
1 绪论 1
1。1 选题意义 1
1。2 数据采集系统的应用和发展趋势 1
1。3 课题来源背景 2
1。4 内容布局 3
2 数据采集系统的总体设计 4
2。1 不同设计方案的对比 4
2。2 总体系统结构 4
2。3 各模块功能 5
3 系统的硬件设计 6
3。1基本传感器 6
3。2主控模块设计 7
3。2。1 主控模块电路设计 7
3。2。2 主控芯片管脚分配 9
3。3 外围模块设计 9
3。3。1 时钟模块电路设计 9
3。3。2 存储器模块电路设计 10
3。3。3 A/D转换电路设计 11
3。3。4 通信电路设计 13
3。3。5 物理地址电路设计 14
3。3。6 继电器输出电路设计 14
3。4数码管显示模块 15
4 原理图及PCB图的绘制 17
4。1 设计流程框图 17
4。2 原理图设计