    关键词:超声导波;时间反转 ;无损检测
    The pipe Was distributed extremely abroad.The safe operation of pxpe had a very close relationship with the life and production.It had a great important significance to ensuring the safe operation of pipe.The problems was gradually exposed in the operation of pipe,with the increase in the number of channels and the increase in running time In order to timely identified problems and controlled accidents and reduced the losses caused by accidents.the pipe corrosion detection and leak detection was extremely important.
    Study on the ultrasonic guided wave long range fast pipe detecting technique was brought into focus of by the scholars both at home and aboard in recent years,and the technique is a new orientation.for the significance of studying the guided wave theories and complexity of calculating and analyzing the courses of propagation and reflection from notches of guided waves in complex structures,the numerical method of calculating the propagation and reflection from notches of ultrasonic guided waves in cylindrical structures was studied through associating the guided wave theory with numerical simulation method.
    Results in this paper can be used to improve inspection sensitivity and penetration power for a variety of practical NDE applications.The field of applying the numerical method to analyze the guided wave theory was a weakness in domestic studies,and the study was a supplement to the present situation
    Keywords: ultrasonic;detect;notch
    目 录
    第1章  绪论    1
    1.1  本论文的背景和意义    1
    1.2 国内外的研究历史及现状    2
    1.3 本论文的研究方案    4
    1.4  本论文的主要内容、研究目标、主要特色    4
    第2章 管道中超声导波的基本原理    5
    2.1导波的概念与分类    5
    2.2 导波的激发原理    5
    2.3管道缺陷检测原理    5
    2.4 管型结构中导波的模态分析    6
    2.4.1 多模态现象与模态选择的重要性    6
    第 3 章  超声导波在管道中的传播特性    9
    3.1 管型结构中导波的频散与衰减    9
    3.1.1 导波的频散现象    9
    3.1.2 导波的衰减    9
    3.1.3导波在管道中的频散方程    9
    3.1.4 管结构中导波的频散曲线    13
    3.1.5 频散现象的抑制方法    13
    第4章 时间反转技术    14
    4.1 传统方式对管道进行损伤检测    14
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