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时间:2019-12-20 16:02来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:自媒体 ; 谣言 ;传播 ;规治策略

Research on the Strategy of Avoiding Rumor Spreading From the Media Age —— a Case Study of Tanggu Tianjin Explosion

  Abstract:In the era of We-media, communication tools popularize with the development of the technology of the network communication. With the barriers to disseminating information lower than ever, an increasing number of people are becoming spreaders, bringing in an ocean of information. However, it turns out to be a mixed story since everything has two sides, with people enjoying the convenience to communication as well as being dogged by rumors. Through offering a multi-exemplification, this paper tries to explore rumor’s features and ways of transmission in emergent situations. In particular, the author introduces rumor’s presentation in the bombing accident of Tanggu and further analyses the categories of rumor and its inflammatory feature. What is more, according to the features of transmission in media age, the author concludes the true reasons of rumor transmission in the bombing accident of Tanggu in Tianjin and puts forward four strategies to regulate the transmission of rumor. In this way, the author hopes that the strategies can play a meaningful role in improving the environment of transmission.

    Key Words: We-media; Rumor; Spread; Avoidance Strategy

目    录

摘  要 4

Abstract 4

一、自媒体时代谣言传播概述 5

(一)谣言的定义 5

(二)自媒体时代谣言的传播特点 6

二、天津塘沽爆炸案中谣言传播的表现 7

(一)谣言传播种类具有多样性 7

(二)传播内容具有极大的煽动性 8

(三)传播渠道的裂变性 9

三、天津塘沽爆炸案中谣言传播的原因 9

(一)突发公共事件的重大性 9

(二)政府信息公开不及时 10

(三)网络用户发布信息的随意性 10

(四)自媒体“把关人”功能的弱化 11

四、自媒体环境下谣言的规治与消解 12

(一)主流媒体及时正确的引导 12

(二)加强政府信息透明度 12

(三)提高网络用户的媒介素养 13

(四)加强监管力度 13

参考文献 15 

自媒体时代谣言传播的规治策略研究——以天津塘沽爆炸事件为例 自媒体时代谣言传播的规治策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_43689.html
