    摘要:长程有序金属间化合物NiAl具有熔点高、密度低、抗氧化性好、导热率高、杨氏模量高等一系列特点,但其室温塑性差和高温强度低等缺点,限制了它的应用。因此,人们就通过定向凝固方法制备NiAl -Cr(Mo)合金,并在NiAl-Cr(Mo)基体中加入适量的Hf元素,形成Heusler相进行沉淀强化,得到一种新型的NiAl基共晶合金,本论文采用静态增重法研究NiAl-Cr(Mo) -Hf-Ho合金在900℃的恒温氧化行为,测定其氧化动力学曲线,其氧化动力学曲线近似符合抛物线规律。借助于X-射线衍射仪、扫描电镜和能谱分析表明,该合金表面形成了Cr2O3、A12O3、HfO2复合氧化膜,加入微量的活性元素Hf、Ho有利于改善表面氧化膜的黏附性和抗剥落能力,使该合金具有良好的抗氧化性能。5114
    High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of a NiAl Eutectic Alloy
    Abstract:Long-range ordered intermetallic compound NiAl has a high melting point,low density,good oxidation resistance,high thermal conductivity,high Young 's modulus range of characteristics.But its application is limited because of its poor ductility at room temperature and low high temperature strength at high temperature.Therefore,NiAl-Cr (Mo) alloys have been prepared by directionally solidified method.A new type of NiAl -based eutectic alloy is obtained through an appropriate amount of Hf,Ho element has been added to NiAl-Cr (Mo) substrate,forming Heusler phase precipitation strengthening.NiAl-Cr (Mo)-Hf-Ho alloy at 900℃ for the isothermal oxidation behavior was studied by using a static weight increase,the oxidation kinetics were measured.The results indicate that oxidation kinetics approximately obey the parabolic law.The oxidation scales on the surface were determined by means of XRD,SEM and EDS.The results show that oxidation scale was consisted of Cr2O3,A12O3,HfO2 on the surface of the alloy.Surface oxidation scale adhesion and anti-stripping capability is improved by the addition of small amounts of active elements Hf,Ho.So that the alloy has good oxidation resistance.
    KeyWords:NiAl eutectic alloy;High-temperature oxidation;Oxidation kinetics
    目  录
    1绪论    1
    1.1 引言    1
    1.2 NiAl的物理性质    1
    1.3 NiAl基合金氧化机理讨论    3
    1.4 NiAl基合金氧化动力学分析    4
    1.4.1合金的保护性氧化膜    5
    1.4.2金属/氧化膜界面    5
    1.4.3相(晶)界氧化与内氧化    6
    1.5 NiAl基合金氧化膜的组成    7
    1.6多元合金的氧化    8
    1.6.1 A12O3氧化膜的生长机制    8
    1.6.2 Cr2O3氧化膜的性质和生长机制    9
    1.7研究本课题的目的和意义    10
    2本课题的研究内容、实验方法    11
    2.1研究内容    11
    2.2实验方法    11
    2.3 实验仪器及设备    11
    2.4实验步骤    15
    3实验结果与分析    16
    3.1 实验合金的显微组织    16
    3.2 氧化动力学曲线    17
    3.3氧化膜的组成    19
    3.4表面氧化膜的形貌    20
    3.6氧化膜断面形貌与组成    23
    3.7讨论    24
    4 结论    25
    致谢    26
    参考文献    27
    1.1 引言
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