    关键词     盾构机   高氮钢   滚刀   耐磨性
    Title    Design And Fabrication Of High Nitrogen Steel Cutter                
    This  project uses the high nitrogen steel material, through the research of high nitrogen steel cutter wear and corrosion resistance,combined with mechanical properties of high nitrogen steel to study for high performance.
       The project uses new high nitrogen steel and 40CrNiMo (now tunneler disk of material), as the object of study and researches mechanical properties of new high nitrogen steels at room temperature . The focus is on the two materials corrosion and abrasion performance. Through the experiment that, under the general wear condition, the wear resistance of the two materials were similar, and with the increase of load, the advantage of nitrogen steel’s wear resistance will gradually be reflected.While greater load , the wear resistance of high nitrogen steel would be better than 40CrNiMo. And high nitrogen steel corrosion resistance is very strong, no matter in acid or weak acid condition .The corrosion resistance of high nitrogen steel is better than 40CrNiMo. All of above,compared with 40CrNiMoa, high nitrogen steels have a excellent wear and corrosion resistance, so shield machine cutter disc has a great potential and has a lot of advantages in their use.
    keywords  shield machine   high nitrogen steel   cutter    wear resistance
    目   次
      第一章    引言 1
       1.1   高氮钢的背景1
          1.1.1 高氮钢的历史 2
          1.1.2 高氮钢的制备方法 2
    粉末冶金法(PM法) 2
          1.1.3 高氮钢的应用与发展 3
       1.2   氮在钢中的存在形式和作用3
          1.2.1 氮的存在形式及作用 3
          1.2.2 氮对钢的机械性能的影响 3
          1.2.3 氮对钢的腐蚀性能的影响 4
       1.3   摩擦和磨损的基本理论4
          1.3.1 摩擦 4
          1.3.2 磨损及磨损的分类 4
          1.3.3 磨损量的测试与评价 5
       1.4  盾构机及盾构机刀盘 5
       1.5  本课题的选材及研究内容、目的 6
    第二章    实验材料和实验过程 8
       2.1 实验材料及设备8
       2.2 实验方案9
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