
    课题  导电高分子超级电容器电极性能测试方法研究摘要本论文综述了不同电化学测试方法下三电极体系、二电极体系和模型电容器体系的电极电化学性能,比较了不同方法的区别。主要描述了超级电容器的原理和特性,采用循环伏安法(CV)在不锈钢片上制备了高分子材料聚苯胺(PANI)的修饰电极,分别应用恒流充放电和循环伏安法,对制作的三种电容器进行电化学性能测试。结果表明:循环伏安法测试所得三种体系的充放电电容与扫速有关,大体上随扫速的增大而减小,恒流充放电法测试所得三种体系的充放电电容则大体上随电流的增大逐渐减小。两种测试方法所得测试结果不同,在大电流时,我们比较适合用循环伏安法求得体系的电容,在小电流时,则比较适合用恒流法计算电容,至于需要能量和功率时,也更适合用恒流法。5934
    关键词  聚苯胺 三电极 两电极 超级电容器 恒流充放电法 循环伏安法 电化学
    Title  Research of Conductive polymer supercapacitor electrode performance test methods
    This paper reviews the electrode electrochemical performance of the three-electrode system, the two-electrode system and the model capacitor system under the different electrochemical test methods, and compared the difference between different methods. Describes the principles and characteristics of the supercapacitor. polyaniline (PANI) modified electrode by cyclic voltammetry (CV) were fabricated on the stainless steel sheet.using galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling and CV to test the peformance of three kind of capacitors.
    The results showed that charging and discharging capacitances of the three systems tested by CV are related with the scan rate.the capacitance is decrease with the scan rate. charging and discharging capacitances tested by galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling are decrease with the current.the results of the two methodsobtained different.in high current,CV is more sutiable to get the capacitance of these systems.in low current,galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling is more sutiable to calculate the capacitance,as for energy and power,but also more suitable for the galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling.
    Keywords:  Polyaniline Three-electrode Two-electrode Super capacitor Galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling Cyclic voltammetry Electrochemical

    1  绪论    1
    1.1  超级电容器    1
    1.1.1  超级电容器工作原理    1
    1.1.2  超级电容器的应用与发展    2
    1.2  聚苯胺    4
    1.2.1  聚苯胺简介    4
    1.2.2  聚苯胺的合成    5
    1.2.3  聚苯胺在超级电容器电极上的应用与发展    6
    1.3  不同电化学性能测试方法介绍    7
    1.3.1  恒流充放电法    7
    1.3.2  循环伏安法    7
    2  实验部分    8
    2.1  实验材料与设备    8
    2.1.1  实验材料    8
    2.1.2  实验设备    8
    2.2  实验步骤    8
    3  结果与讨论    9
    3.1  循环伏安法充放电电容及效率比较    9
    3.1.1  充放电电容比较    9
    3.1.2  循环充放电效率比较    11
    3.2  恒流法充放电电容及效率比较    12
    3.2.1  恒流法充放电电容比较    12
    3.2.2   恒流充放电效率比较    14
    3.3.1  模型电容器充放电电容    15
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