    A Questionnaire about University Students’ Online Impulsive Buying Behavior
    Dear students, I am doing a research on the influence of the network promotion on consumers’ impulse buying behavior. I hope you can spare two minutes for me to finish the questionnaire. I promise that I will not let out your personal information. Thank you! 33343
    1. What is your grade?      
    A. Freshman B. Sophomore C. Junior D. Senior
    2. What is your gender?     A. Male B. Female
    3. How much do you spend on online shopping per month?
    A.0-100  B. 100-300   C.300-500   D.500-800   E. Over 800
    4. What is the frequency of your online shopping?论文网
    A. Never B. Once a week C. Once a month D. Buy as you like E. Buy as you need
    5. Have you ever had impulse buying behavior?  A. Yes  B. No
    6. What kind of product can stimulate your impulse buying?
    A. Commodity  B. Clothes  C. Food   D. Cosmetics   E. Life necessities
    7. Whether they would go shopping according to plans?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    8. I often buy the products once I like but they are not included in the shopping list?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    9. I often surf on the internet to see whether there are any promotional activities?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    10. I will not be happy if I don’t buy the products I like?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    11. I have a lot of things bought online but can not be used in the near future?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    12. It’s hard to control my emotion when I want to buy something?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    13. I often feel regret after purchasing?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    14. When I am in a bad mood, I tend to buy more products to change emotion?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    15. When I am in a good mood, I would purchase as I like?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
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